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import subprocess
import shutil as shut
def install_tauri_cli(version: str):
cargo('install tauri-cli --version ^{}'.format(version))
def check_ng(install: bool = False):
'''Checks if ng is available and installs it
if the install flag is set'''
if not check_exec('ng'):
if install:
npm('install -g @angular/cli')
raise Exception('ng not found')
def check_yarn(install: bool = False):
'''Checks if yarn is available and installs it
if the install flag is set'''
if not check_exec('yarn'):
if install:
npm('install -g yarn')
raise Exception('yarn not found')
def yarn(cmd: str, dir: str = None) -> str:
'''Executes yarn in a given directory'''
exec('yarn {}'.format(cmd), dir)
def cargo(cmd: str, dir: str = None):
'''Executes cargo in a given directory'''
exec('cargo {}'.format(cmd), dir)
def npm(cmd: str, dir: str = None) -> str:
'''Executes npm in a given directory'''
exec('npm {}'.format(cmd), dir)
def check_exec(name: str) -> bool:
'''Checks if a command is available'''
if shut.which(name) is None:
print('{} not found'.format(name))
return False
exec('{} --version'.format(name))
return True
def exec(cmd: str, dir: str = None) -> str:
'''Executes a command in a given directory'''
print('Running: {}'.format(cmd))
child =, shell=True, cwd=dir)