You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

142 lines
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use mediarepo_core::error::RepoResult;
use mediarepo_database::entities::namespace;
use sea_orm::prelude::*;
use sea_orm::{
Condition, ConnectionTrait, DatabaseBackend, DatabaseConnection, InsertResult, Set, Statement,
use std::fmt::Debug;
pub struct Namespace {
db: DatabaseConnection,
model: namespace::Model,
impl Namespace {
#[tracing::instrument(level = "trace")]
pub(crate) fn new(db: DatabaseConnection, model: namespace::Model) -> Self {
Self { db, model }
/// Retrieves a list of all namespaces
#[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(db))]
pub async fn all(db: DatabaseConnection) -> RepoResult<Vec<Self>> {
let namespaces = namespace::Entity::find()
.map(|model| Self::new(db.clone(), model))
/// Retrieves the namespace by id
#[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(db))]
pub async fn by_id(db: DatabaseConnection, id: i64) -> RepoResult<Option<Self>> {
let namespace = namespace::Entity::find_by_id(id)
.map(|model| Self::new(db, model));
/// Retrieves a namespace by its name
#[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(db))]
pub async fn by_name<S: AsRef<str> + Debug>(
db: DatabaseConnection,
name: S,
) -> RepoResult<Option<Self>> {
let namespace = namespace::Entity::find()
.map(|model| Self::new(db, model));
/// Returns all namespaces by name
#[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(db))]
pub async fn all_by_name(db: DatabaseConnection, names: Vec<String>) -> RepoResult<Vec<Self>> {
if names.is_empty() {
return Ok(Vec::with_capacity(0));
let mut condition = Condition::any();
for name in names {
condition = condition.add(namespace::Column::Name.eq(name));
let namespaces = namespace::Entity::find()
.map(|model| Self::new(db.clone(), model))
/// Adds all namespaces to the database
#[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(db))]
pub async fn add_all(db: DatabaseConnection, names: Vec<String>) -> RepoResult<Vec<Self>> {
if names.is_empty() {
return Ok(vec![]);
let models: Vec<namespace::ActiveModel> = names
.map(|name| namespace::ActiveModel {
name: Set(name),
let txn = db.begin().await?;
let last_id = txn
r#"SELECT MAX(id) AS "max_id" FROM namespaces;"#.to_owned(),
.and_then(|result| result.try_get("", "max_id").ok())
let result: InsertResult<namespace::ActiveModel> =
let namespaces = namespace::Entity::find()
.filter(namespace::Column::Id.between(last_id, result.last_insert_id + 1))
.map(|model| Self::new(db.clone(), model))
/// Adds a namespace to the database
#[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(db))]
pub async fn add<S: ToString + Debug>(db: DatabaseConnection, name: S) -> RepoResult<Self> {
let active_model = namespace::ActiveModel {
name: Set(name.to_string()),
let model = active_model.insert(&db).await?;
Ok(Self::new(db, model))
/// The ID of the namespace
pub fn id(&self) -> i64 {
/// The name of the namespace
pub fn name(&self) -> &String {