You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

93 lines
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export type FilterExpression = FilterExpressionOrExpression | FilterExpressionQuery;
export type FilterExpressionOrExpression = {
OrExpression: FilterQuery[],
export type FilterExpressionQuery = {
Query: FilterQuery;
export type FilterQuery = FilterQueryTag | FilterQueryProperty;
export type FilterQueryTag = { Tag: TagQuery };
export type FilterQueryProperty = { Property: PropertyQuery };
export type TagQuery = {
negate: boolean,
tag: string,
export type PropertyKeys =
| "FileSize"
| "ImportedTime"
| "ChangedTime"
| "CreatedTime"
| "TagCount"
| "Cd"
| "Id";
export type PropertyQuery = PropertyQueryStatus
| PropertyQueryFileSize
| PropertyQueryImportedTime
| PropertyQueryChangedTime
| PropertyQueryCreatedTime
| PropertyQueryTagCount
| PropertyQueryCd
| PropertyQueryId;
export type PropertyQueryStatus = { Status: FileStatus };
export type PropertyQueryFileSize = { FileSize: ValueComparator<number> };
export type PropertyQueryImportedTime = { ImportedTime: ValueComparator<Date> };
export type PropertyQueryChangedTime = { ChangedTime: ValueComparator<Date> };
export type PropertyQueryCreatedTime = { CreatedTime: ValueComparator<Date> };
export type PropertyQueryTagCount = { TagCount: ValueComparator<number> };
export type PropertyQueryCd = { Cd: string };
export type PropertyQueryId = { Id: number };
export type ValueComparator<T> =
{ Less: T }
| { Equal: T }
| { Greater: T }
| { Between: T[] }
export type SortKey = { Namespace: SortNamespace }
| { FileName: SortDirection }
| { FileSize: SortDirection }
| { FileImportedTime: SortDirection }
| { FileChangeTime: SortDirection }
| { FileType: SortDirection };
export type SortNamespace = {
name: string,
direction: SortDirection,
export type SortDirection = "Ascending" | "Descending";
export type FileBasicData = {
id: number,
status: FileStatus,
cd: string,
mime_type: string,
export type FileStatus = "Imported" | "Archived" | "Deleted";
export type FileMetadata = {
file_id: number,
name?: string,
comment?: string,
creation_time: Date,
change_time: Date,
import_time: Date,
export type FileOsMetadata = {
name: string,
path: string,
mime_type: string,
created_at: Date,
modified_at: Date,