use crate::chunk::{Chunk, ChunkScanError}; use crate::scan::ScanOptions; use crate::scan::ScanStatistics; use byteorder::{BigEndian, ByteOrder, WriteBytesExt}; use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::fs::{File, OpenOptions}; use std::io::{BufReader, BufWriter, Read, Result, Seek, SeekFrom, Write}; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Arc; pub const BLOCK_SIZE: usize = 4096; pub struct RegionFile { path: PathBuf, reader: BufReader, writer: BufWriter, locations: Locations, #[allow(dead_code)] timestamps: Timestamps, length: u64, } impl RegionFile { pub fn new(path: &PathBuf) -> Result { let fr = OpenOptions::new().read(true).open(path)?; let fw = OpenOptions::new().write(true).open(path)?; let file_size = fr.metadata()?.len(); let mut reader = BufReader::with_capacity(BLOCK_SIZE, fr); let writer = BufWriter::with_capacity(2 * BLOCK_SIZE, fw); let mut locations_raw = [0u8; BLOCK_SIZE]; let mut timestamps_raw = [0u8; BLOCK_SIZE]; reader.read_exact(&mut locations_raw)?; reader.read_exact(&mut timestamps_raw)?; Ok(Self { path: path.clone(), locations: Locations::from_bytes(&locations_raw), timestamps: Timestamps::from_bytes(×tamps_raw), reader, writer, length: file_size, }) } /// Returns the number of chunks in the file pub fn count_chunks(&self) -> usize { return self.locations.valid_entries_enumerate().len(); } /// Scans the chunk entries for possible errors pub fn scan_chunks(&mut self, options: &Arc) -> Result { let mut statistic = ScanStatistics::new(); let mut shift_operations: Vec<(usize, isize)> = Vec::new(); let mut entries = self.locations.valid_entries_enumerate(); entries.sort_by(|(_, (a, _)), (_, (b, _))| { if a > b { Ordering::Greater } else if a < b { Ordering::Less } else { Ordering::Equal } }); statistic.total_chunks = entries.len() as u64; let mut previous_offset = 2; let mut previous_sections = 0; for (index, (offset, sections)) in entries { // Calculate and seek to the start of the chunk let reader_offset = offset as u64 * BLOCK_SIZE as u64;; let offset_diff = offset as i32 - (previous_offset as i32 + previous_sections as i32); // Check if there is wasted space between the chunks // since the chunks are iterated ordered by offset the previous chunk is the closest if offset_diff > 0 { statistic.unused_space += (BLOCK_SIZE * offset_diff as usize) as u64; log::debug!( "Gap of unused {:.2} KiB detected between {} and {}", (BLOCK_SIZE as f32 * offset_diff as f32) / 1024.0, previous_offset, offset ); if options.fix { shift_operations.push((offset as usize, -(offset_diff as isize))); } } // Check if the chunk is longer than the file if offset < 2 || self.length < (offset + sections as u32) as u64 * BLOCK_SIZE as u64 { statistic.invalid_chunk_pointer += 1; log::debug!( "Invalid chunk offset and sections at index {}: {} + {}", index, offset, sections ); if options.fix_delete { self.delete_chunk(index)?; } continue; } match Chunk::from_buf_reader(&mut self.reader) { Ok(chunk) => { let exists = self.scan_chunk(index, offset, sections, chunk, &mut statistic, options)?; // If scan_chunk returns false the chunk entry was deleted if !exists && options.fix { shift_operations .push((offset as usize + sections as usize, -(sections as isize))) } } Err(e) => { statistic.failed_to_read += 1; log::error!( "Failed to read chunk at {} in {:?}: {}", offset, self.path, e ); if options.fix_delete { self.delete_chunk(index)?; shift_operations .push((offset as usize + sections as usize, -(sections as isize))); } } } previous_offset = offset; previous_sections = sections as u32; } if options.fix || options.fix_delete { self.perform_shift_operations(shift_operations)?; // The new size of the file is the estimated size based on the highest chunk offset + sections statistic.shrunk_size = self.locations.estimated_size();; self.writer .write_all(self.locations.to_bytes().as_slice())?; self.writer.flush()?; } Ok(statistic) } /// Performs shift operations defined in the shift_operations vector fn perform_shift_operations( &mut self, mut shift_operations: Vec<(usize, isize)>, ) -> Result<()> { // sort the shift operations by resulting offset to have them in the right order shift_operations.sort_by(|(o1, a1), (o2, a2)| { let to_offset1 = *o1 as isize + *a1; let to_offset2 = *o2 as isize + *a2; if to_offset1 > to_offset1 { Ordering::Greater } else if to_offset1 < to_offset2 { Ordering::Less } else { Ordering::Equal } }); let mut shifted = 0isize; // perform shifting of chunks to close gaps between them let mut operations = shift_operations.iter().peekable(); while let Some((offset, amount)) = { shifted += *amount; let end_offset = if let Some((o, a)) = operations.peek() { (*o as isize + *a) as usize } else { self.locations.max_offset() as usize }; if *offset > end_offset { log::error!("Invalid shift ({} - {}) -> {}", offset, end_offset, shifted); break; } self.shift_right(*offset, end_offset, shifted)?; self.locations .shift_entries(*offset as u32, end_offset as u32, shifted as i32); } Ok(()) } /// Scans a single chunk for errors fn scan_chunk( &mut self, index: usize, offset: u32, sections: u8, mut chunk: Chunk, statistic: &mut ScanStatistics, options: &Arc, ) -> Result { let chunk_sections = ((chunk.length + 4) as f64 / BLOCK_SIZE as f64).ceil(); let reader_offset = offset as u64 * BLOCK_SIZE as u64; // Valid compression types are: // 0 - uncompressed // 1 - GZIP // 2 - ZLIB if chunk.compression_type > 3 { statistic.invalid_compression_method += 1; if options.fix { + 4))?; self.writer.write_u8(1)?; } } else { // seek to the start of the actual chunk data + 5))?; if let Err(e) = chunk.validate_nbt_data(&mut self.reader) { match e { ChunkScanError::IO(e) => { log::debug!("Compression error at chunk {}: {}", offset, e); statistic.corrupted_compression += 1; } ChunkScanError::NBTError(e) => { log::debug!("Corrupted nbt data for chunk {}: {}", offset, e); statistic.corrupted_nbt += 1; } _ => { log::debug!("Missing nbt data for chunk {}: {}", offset, e); statistic.missing_nbt += 1; } } if options.fix_delete { self.delete_chunk(index)?; return Ok(false); } } else { // validate that the chunk is the one the index should be pointing at if let Some(x) = chunk.x_pos { if let Some(z) = chunk.z_pos { if get_chunk_index(x as isize, z as isize) != index { statistic.invalid_chunk_pointer += 1; log::debug!("Pointer {} pointing to wrong chunk ({},{})", index, x, z); if options.fix_delete { // Delete the entry of the chunk from the locations table self.delete_chunk(index)?; } } } } } } if sections != chunk_sections as u8 || chunk.length >= 1_048_576 { statistic.invalid_length += 1; if options.fix { self.locations .replace_entry_unchecked(index, (offset, chunk_sections as u8)); } } Ok(true) } /// Deletes a chunk and shifts all other chunks pub fn delete_chunk(&mut self, index: usize) -> Result<()> { log::debug!( "Deleting chunk at {}", self.locations.get_chunk_entry_unchecked(index).0 ); self.locations.delete_chunk_entry_unchecked(index); Ok(()) } /// Shifts the file from the `offset` position `amount` blocks to the right pub fn shift_right( &mut self, start_offset: usize, end_offset: usize, amount: isize, ) -> Result<()> { log::debug!( "Shifting chunk blocks starting from {} by {} until {}", start_offset, amount, end_offset, ); // seek to the start of the data to be shifted self.reader .seek(SeekFrom::Start((start_offset * BLOCK_SIZE) as u64))?; // seek to the start of the data to be shifted self.writer .seek(SeekFrom::Start((start_offset * BLOCK_SIZE) as u64))?; // seek the amount the data should be shifted self.writer .seek(SeekFrom::Current(amount as i64 * BLOCK_SIZE as i64))?; for _ in 0..(end_offset - start_offset) { // since the offset is based on the fixed BLOCK_SIZE we can use that as our buffer size let mut buf = [0u8; BLOCK_SIZE]; let read = buf)?; self.writer.write(&buf)?; if read < BLOCK_SIZE { break; } } Ok(()) } /// Closes the region file by flushing the writer pub fn close(&mut self) -> Result<()> { self.writer.flush() } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Locations { inner: Vec<(u32, u8)>, } impl Locations { pub fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8; BLOCK_SIZE]) -> Self { let mut locations = Vec::new(); for i in (0..BLOCK_SIZE - 1).step_by(4) { // construct a 4-byte number from 3 bytes let offset_raw = [0u8, bytes[i], bytes[i + 1], bytes[i + 2]]; let offset = BigEndian::read_u32(&offset_raw); let count = bytes[i + 3]; locations.push((offset, count)); } Self { inner: locations } } /// Returns the byte representation of the locations table pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> Vec { let mut bytes = Vec::new(); for (offset, sections) in &self.inner { let mut offset_raw = [0u8; 4]; BigEndian::write_u32(&mut offset_raw, *offset); bytes.append(&mut offset_raw[1..4].to_vec()); bytes.push(*sections); } bytes } /// Returns the offset of a chunk pub fn get_chunk_offset(&self, x: isize, z: isize) -> Option { self.inner.get(get_chunk_index(x, z)).map(|e| (*e).0) } /// Returns the number of sectors for a chunk pub fn get_chunk_sectors(&self, x: isize, z: isize) -> Option { self.inner.get(get_chunk_index(x, z)).map(|e| (*e).1) } /// Returns chunk entry list pub fn valid_entries_enumerate(&self) -> Vec<(usize, (u32, u8))> { self.inner .iter() .enumerate() .filter_map(|e| { if (*e.1).0 >= 2 { Some((e.0, *e.1)) } else { None } }) .collect() } /// The maximum offset in the file pub fn max_offset(&self) -> u32 { let largest = self .inner .iter() .max_by(|(a, _), (b, _)| { if a > b { Ordering::Greater } else if a < b { Ordering::Less } else { Ordering::Equal } }) .cloned() .unwrap_or((2, 0)); largest.0 + largest.1 as u32 } /// Returns the estimated of all chunks combined including the header pub fn estimated_size(&self) -> u64 { self.max_offset() as u64 * BLOCK_SIZE as u64 } /// Replaces an entry with a new one. Panics if the index doesn't exist pub fn replace_entry_unchecked(&mut self, index: usize, entry: (u32, u8)) { self.inner[index] = entry; } /// Returns a chunk entry for an index. Panics if it doesn't exist. pub fn get_chunk_entry_unchecked(&self, index: usize) -> (u32, u8) { self.inner[index] } /// Sets a chunk entry to not generated. Panics if the index doesn't exists pub fn delete_chunk_entry_unchecked(&mut self, index: usize) { self.inner[index] = (0, 0); } /// Shifts all entries starting from `start_index` by `amount` pub fn shift_entries(&mut self, start_offset: u32, end_offset: u32, amount: i32) { log::debug!( "Shifting location entries starting from {} by {} until {}", start_offset, amount, end_offset ); self.inner = self .inner .iter() .map(|e| { let mut entry = *e; if e.0 >= start_offset && e.0 <= end_offset { entry.0 = (entry.0 as i32 + amount) as u32; } entry }) .collect(); } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Timestamps { inner: Vec, } impl Timestamps { pub fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8; BLOCK_SIZE]) -> Self { let mut timestamps = Vec::new(); for i in (0..BLOCK_SIZE - 1).step_by(4) { timestamps.push(BigEndian::read_u32(&bytes[i..i + 4])) } Self { inner: timestamps } } } #[inline] fn get_chunk_index(x: isize, z: isize) -> usize { let mut x = x % 32; let mut z = z % 32; if x < 0 { x += 32; } if z < 0 { z += 32; } x as usize + z as usize * 32 }