use crate::{ config::{ConfigAccess, ExecutableConfig}, consts::{BIN_DIR, CACHE_DIR, VERSION_FILE_PATH}, error::VersionError, mapper::Mapper, repository::{node_path::NodePath, NodeVersion, Repository}, utils::prompt, version_detection::{self, VersionDetector}, }; use crossterm::style::Stylize; use dialoguer::{theme::ColorfulTheme, Input, Select}; use miette::{Context, IntoDiagnostic, Result}; use std::{ffi::OsString, str::FromStr}; use tokio::fs; pub struct Nenv { config: ConfigAccess, repo: Repository, active_version: NodeVersion, } impl Nenv { #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug")] pub async fn init(version_override: Option) -> Result { let config = ConfigAccess::load().await?; let repo = Repository::init(config.clone()).await?; let default_version = { config.get().await.node.default_version.to_owned() }; let active_version = if let Some(version) = version_override { version } else { Self::get_active_version().await.unwrap_or(default_version) }; Ok(Self { config, repo, active_version, }) } /// Installs the given node version. /// Prompts if that version already exists #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub async fn install(&mut self, version: NodeVersion) -> Result<()> { Self::clear_version_cache().await?; if self.repo.is_installed(&version).await? && !prompt( false, format!( "The version {} is already installed. Reinstall?", version.to_string().bold() ), ) { println!("Nothing changed."); Ok(()) } else { self.repo.install_version(&version).await?; self.active_version = version.to_owned(); let mapper = self.get_mapper().await?; mapper.remap_additive().await?; mapper .map_bins(self.get_binaries_with_path().await?) .await?; println!("Installed {}", version.to_string().bold()); Ok(()) } } #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub async fn uninstall(&mut self, version: NodeVersion) -> Result<()> { self.repo.lookup_local_version(&version)?; if prompt( false, format!( "Do you really want to uninstall node {}?", version.to_string().bold() ), ) { self.repo.uninstall(&version).await?; println!("Node {} has been removed.", version.to_string().bold()) } else { println!("Nothing changed."); } Ok(()) } /// Sets the system-wide default version #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub async fn set_system_default(&mut self, version: NodeVersion) -> Result<()> { self.active_version = version.to_owned(); if !self.repo.is_installed(&version).await? { if prompt( false, format!("The version {version} is not installed. Do you want to install it?"), ) { self.repo.install_version(&version).await?; self.config.get_mut().await.node.default_version = version.to_owned(); self.get_mapper().await?.remap_additive().await?; println!("Now using {}", version.to_string().bold()); } Ok(()) } else { self.get_mapper().await?.remap_additive().await?; self.config.get_mut().await.node.default_version = version.to_owned(); println!("Now using {}", version.to_string().bold()); Ok(()) } } /// Executes a given node executable for the currently active version #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub async fn exec(&mut self, command: String, args: Vec) -> Result { if let Some(cfg) = self.config.get().await.bins.get(&command) { self.active_version = cfg.node_version.to_owned(); } if !self.repo.is_installed(&self.active_version).await? { self.repo.install_version(&self.active_version).await?; } let exit_status = self.get_mapper().await?.exec(command, args).await?; Ok(exit_status.code().unwrap_or(0)) } /// Clears the version cache and remaps all executables #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub async fn remap(&mut self) -> Result<()> { let mapper = self.get_mapper().await?; mapper.remap().await?; mapper.map_bins(self.get_binaries_with_path().await?).await } /// Lists the currently installed versions #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub async fn list_versions(&mut self) -> Result<()> { let versions = self.repo.installed_versions(); let active_version = self .repo .lookup_remote_version(&self.active_version) .await?; let active_version = active_version.version.into(); println!("{}", "Installed versions:".bold()); for version in versions { let info = self .repo .all_versions() .await? .get(&version) .ok_or_else(|| VersionError::unknown_version(version.to_string()))?; let lts = info .lts .as_ref() .map(|l| format!(" ({})", l.to_owned().green())) .unwrap_or_default(); if version == active_version { println!(" {}{} [current]", version.to_string().blue().bold(), lts) } else { println!(" {}{}", version.to_string().blue(), lts) } } Ok(()) } /// Initializes nenv and prompts for a default version. #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub async fn init_nenv(&mut self) -> Result<()> { let items = vec!["latest", "lts", "custom"]; let selection = Select::with_theme(&ColorfulTheme::default()) .with_prompt("Select a default node version") .items(&items) .default(0) .interact() .into_diagnostic()?; let version = if items[selection] == "custom" { let version_string: String = Input::with_theme(&ColorfulTheme::default()) .with_prompt("Enter a version number: ") .interact_text() .into_diagnostic()?; NodeVersion::from_str(&version_string).unwrap() } else { NodeVersion::from_str(items[selection]).unwrap() }; self.repo.install_version(&version).await?; self.active_version = version; self.get_mapper().await?.remap_additive().await?; println!("{}", "Initialized!".green()); println!( "{}\n {}\n{}", "Make sure to add".bold(), BIN_DIR.to_string_lossy().yellow(), "to your PATH environment variables.".bold() ); Ok(()) } /// Clears the download cache #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub async fn clear_cache(&self) -> Result<()> { fs::remove_dir_all(&*CACHE_DIR) .await .into_diagnostic() .context("Removing cache directory")?; fs::create_dir_all(&*CACHE_DIR) .await .into_diagnostic() .context("Creating cache directory")?; println!("Cleared download cache."); Ok(()) } /// Pins a given command #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub async fn pin_command(&self, command: String, version: NodeVersion) -> Result<()> { let mut config = self.config.get_mut().await; config.bins.insert( command.clone(), ExecutableConfig { node_version: version.clone(), }, ); println!( "Pinned {} to {}", command.bold(), version.to_string().yellow().bold() ); Ok(()) } /// Unpins a given command #[tracing::instrument(skip(self))] pub async fn unpin_command(&self, command: String) -> Result<()> { let mut config = self.config.get_mut().await; config.bins.remove(&command); println!("Unpinned {}", command.bold()); Ok(()) } /// Persits all changes made that aren't written to the disk yet #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))] pub async fn persist(&self) -> Result<()> { } #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug")] async fn get_active_version() -> Option { version_detection::ParallelDetector::detect_version() .await .ok() .and_then(|v| v) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug")] async fn clear_version_cache() -> Result<()> { if VERSION_FILE_PATH.exists() { fs::remove_file(&*VERSION_FILE_PATH) .await .into_diagnostic()?; } Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))] async fn get_mapper(&mut self) -> Result { let node_path = self .repo .get_version_path(&self.active_version) .await? .ok_or_else(|| VersionError::not_installed(self.active_version.to_owned()))?; Ok(Mapper::new(node_path)) } async fn get_binaries_with_path(&mut self) -> Result> { let mut binaries_with_path = Vec::new(); for (bin, cfg) in &self.config.get().await.bins { let path = self .repo .get_version_path(&cfg.node_version) .await? .ok_or_else(|| VersionError::not_installed(&cfg.node_version))?; binaries_with_path.push((bin.to_owned(), path)); } Ok(binaries_with_path) } }