You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

56 lines
1.7 KiB

use dialoguer::MultiSelect;
use nu_plugin::{EvaluatedCall, LabeledError};
use nu_protocol::{Span, Value};
use crate::{prompt::UserPrompt, DialogPlugin};
impl DialogPlugin {
pub(crate) fn multiselect(
call: &EvaluatedCall,
_input: &Value,
) -> Result<Value, LabeledError> {
let options: Vec<String> = call.req(0)?;
let mut select = MultiSelect::new();
if let Some(prompt) = call.get_flag::<String>("prompt")? {
if let Some(def) = call.get_flag::<String>("default")? {
let defaults = def
.map(|v| v.trim())
.filter_map(|v| v.parse::<usize>().ok())
let check_states = (0..options.len())
.map(|i| defaults.contains(&i))
if call.has_flag("abortable") {
if let Some(selection) = select.ask_opt(call.head)? {
Ok(map_selection(selection, options, call.head))
} else {
} else {
let selection = select.ask(call.head)?;
Ok(map_selection(selection, options, call.head))
fn map_selection(selection: Vec<usize>, options: Vec<String>, span: Span) -> Value {
let selected_items = options
.filter(|(i, _)| selection.contains(i))
.map(|(_, val)| Value::string(val, span))
Value::list(selected_items, span)