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app "prime-bin-search"
packages { pf: "" }
imports [pf.Stdout, pf.Task]
provides [main] to pf
main : Task.Task {} I32
main =
numStrings =
primesIn 500_000
|> Num.toStr
|> Str.joinWith "\n"
Stdout.line "$(numStrings)"
primesIn : U64 -> List U64
primesIn = \n ->
numbers = List.range { start: At 2u64, end: At n }
List.walk numbers numbers primeWalk
primeWalk : List U64, U64 -> List U64
primeWalk = \l, n ->
if l |> binarySearchContains n then
if n > 1 then
|> List.dropIf \e ->
e > n && Num.isMultipleOf e n
binarySearchContains : List U64, U64 -> Bool where a implements Eq
binarySearchContains = \l, a ->
len = List.len l
if Num.isZero len then
half = Num.shiftRightBy len 1
binarySearchContainsRec l a half half
binarySearchContainsRec : List U64, U64, Nat, Nat -> Bool where a implements Eq
binarySearchContainsRec = \l, n, mid, step ->
if step <= 1 then
sublist = List.sublist l { start: (mid - (Num.min step mid)), len: (step * 2 + 1) }
when sublist is
[] -> Bool.false
[a] -> n == a
[a, b] -> n == a || n == b
[a, b, c] -> n == a || n == b || n == c
_ -> crash "This shoulnd't have happened"
element = List.get l mid |> Result.withDefault 0
when n element is
EQ -> Bool.true
ne ->
newStep = Num.divCeil step 2
len = l |> List.len
when ne is
GT if mid >= len -> Bool.false
GT -> binarySearchContainsRec l n (mid + newStep) newStep
LT if mid < newStep -> binarySearchContainsRec l n 0 newStep
LT -> binarySearchContainsRec l n (mid - newStep) newStep
_ -> crash "This shoulnd't have happened"
orderedContains : List (Num a), Num a -> Bool where a implements Eq
orderedContains = \l, a ->
when l |> List.findFirst \e -> e >= a is
Err NotFound -> Bool.false
Ok f -> f == a
expect orderedContains [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] 5 == Bool.true
expect binarySearchContains [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] 5 == Bool.true
expect binarySearchContains [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6] 2 == Bool.false
expect binarySearchContains [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6] 7 == Bool.false
expect binarySearchContains [] 7 == Bool.false
expect binarySearchContains [2] 2 == Bool.true
expect binarySearchContains [1, 2, 3] 3 == Bool.true
expect binarySearchContains [1, 2, 3] 1 == Bool.true
expect binarySearchContains [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] 0 == Bool.false
expect binarySearchContains (List.range { start: At 0, end: At 100000 }) 4 == Bool.true
expect binarySearchContains (List.range { start: At 0, end: At 100000 } |> List.dropIf Num.isEven) 4 == Bool.false
expect binarySearchContains (List.range { start: At 0, end: At 100000 } |> List.dropIf Num.isOdd) 97 == Bool.false
expect binarySearchContains (List.range { start: At 0, end: At 100000 }) 99998 == Bool.true
expect binarySearchContains (List.range { start: At 0, end: At 100000 }) 100001 == Bool.false
countPrimesIn : U64 -> Nat
countPrimesIn = \limit ->
List.range { start: At 2, end: At limit }
|> List.countIf \n ->
if n < 4 then
else if n % 2 == 0 then
res =
List.range { start: At 3, end: At (Num.ceiling (Num.sqrt (Num.toF64 n))), step: 2 }
|> List.any \a -> Num.isMultipleOf n a
|> Bool.not
countPrimesIn 100000
|> \expected ->
dbg expected
== (
List.len (primesIn 100000)
|> \actual ->
dbg actual