use crate::core::MessageHandle; use crate::error::{Error, Result}; use crate::menu::controls::{close_menu, next_page, previous_page, toggle_help}; use crate::menu::traits::EventDrivenMessage; use crate::menu::typedata::HelpActiveContainer; use crate::menu::{get_listeners_from_context, EventDrivenMessagesRef, Page}; use futures::FutureExt; use serenity::async_trait; use serenity::client::Context; use serenity::http::Http; use serenity::model::channel::{Message, Reaction, ReactionType}; use serenity::model::id::{ChannelId, UserId}; use serenity::prelude::{TypeMap, TypeMapKey}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::future::Future; use std::pin::Pin; use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use tokio::sync::{Mutex, RwLock}; pub static NEXT_PAGE_EMOJI: &str = "➡️"; pub static PREVIOUS_PAGE_EMOJI: &str = "⬅️"; pub static CLOSE_MENU_EMOJI: &str = "❌"; pub static HELP_EMOJI: &str = "❔"; pub type ControlActionResult<'b> = Pin> + Send + 'b>>; pub type ControlActionArc = Arc< dyn for<'b> Fn(&'b Context, &'b mut Menu<'_>, Reaction) -> ControlActionResult<'b> + Send + Sync, >; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct ActionContainer { inner: ControlActionArc, position: isize, } impl ActionContainer { /// Creates a new control action pub fn new(position: isize, callback: F) -> Self where F: for<'b> Fn(&'b Context, &'b mut Menu<'_>, Reaction) -> ControlActionResult<'b> + Send + Sync, { Self { inner: Arc::new(callback), position, } } /// Runs the action pub async fn run(&self, ctx: &Context, menu: &mut Menu<'_>, reaction: Reaction) -> Result<()> { self.inner.clone()(ctx, menu, reaction).await?; Ok(()) } /// Returns the position of the action pub fn position(&self) -> isize { self.position } } /// A menu message pub struct Menu<'a> { pub message: Arc>, pub pages: Vec>, pub current_page: usize, pub(crate) controls: HashMap, pub timeout: Instant, pub sticky: bool, pub data: TypeMap, pub(crate) help_entries: HashMap, owner: Option, closed: bool, listeners: EventDrivenMessagesRef, } impl<'a> Menu<'a> { /// Returns the current page of the menu pub fn get_current_page(&self) -> Result<&Page<'a>> { self.pages .get(self.current_page) .ok_or(Error::PageNotFound(self.current_page)) } /// Removes all reactions from the menu #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip_all)] pub(crate) async fn close(&mut self, http: &Http) -> Result<()> { let handle =; http.delete_message_reactions(handle.channel_id, handle.message_id) .await?; self.closed = true; Ok(()) } /// Returns the message of the menu pub async fn get_message(&self, http: &Http) -> Result { let handle =; let msg = http .get_message(handle.channel_id, handle.message_id) .await?; Ok(msg) } /// Recreates the message completely #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip_all)] pub async fn recreate(&self, http: &Http) -> Result<()> { let old_handle = self.get_handle().await; let current_page = self.get_current_page()?.get().await?; let message = http .send_message( old_handle.channel_id, &serde_json::to_value(current_page.0).unwrap(), ) .await?; for control in &self.controls { http.create_reaction( message.channel_id.0,, &ReactionType::Unicode(control.0.clone()), ) .await?; } let new_handle = { let mut handle = self.message.write().await; handle.message_id =; (*handle).clone() }; { tracing::debug!("Changing key of message"); let menu = self.listeners.remove(&old_handle).unwrap(); tracing::debug!("Inserting new key"); self.listeners.insert(new_handle, menu.1); } tracing::debug!("Deleting original message"); http.delete_message(old_handle.channel_id, old_handle.message_id) .await?; Ok(()) } /// Returns the handle of the menus message /// Locking behaviour: May deadlock when already holding a lock to [Self::messages] async fn get_handle(&self) -> MessageHandle { let handle =; (*handle).clone() } } #[async_trait] impl<'a> EventDrivenMessage for Menu<'a> { fn is_frozen(&self) -> bool { self.closed } #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip_all)] async fn update(&mut self, http: &Http) -> Result<()> { tracing::trace!("Checking for menu timeout"); if Instant::now() >= self.timeout { tracing::debug!("Menu timout reached. Closing menu."); self.close(http).await?; } else if self.sticky { tracing::debug!("Message is sticky. Checking for new messages in channel..."); let handle = self.get_handle().await; let channel_id = ChannelId(handle.channel_id); let messages = channel_id .messages(http, |p| p.after(handle.message_id).limit(1)) .await?; if messages.len() > 0 { tracing::debug!("New messages in channel. Recreating..."); self.recreate(http).await?; } } Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip_all)] async fn on_reaction_add(&mut self, ctx: &Context, reaction: Reaction) -> Result<()> { let current_user = ctx.http.get_current_user().await?; let reaction_user_id = reaction.user_id.ok_or_else(|| Error::NoCache)?; if reaction_user_id.0 == { tracing::debug!("Reaction is from current user."); return Ok(()); } let emoji_string = reaction.emoji.as_data(); tracing::debug!("Deleting user reaction."); reaction.delete(ctx).await?; if let Some(owner) = self.owner { if owner != reaction_user_id { tracing::debug!( "Menu has an owner and the reaction is not from the owner of the menu" ); return Ok(()); } } if let Some(control) = self.controls.get(&emoji_string).cloned() { tracing::debug!("Running control");, self, reaction).await?; } Ok(()) } } /// A builder for messages pub struct MenuBuilder { pages: Vec>, current_page: usize, controls: HashMap, timeout: Duration, sticky: bool, data: TypeMap, help_entries: HashMap, owner: Option, } impl Default for MenuBuilder { fn default() -> Self { Self { pages: vec![], current_page: 0, controls: HashMap::new(), timeout: Duration::from_secs(60), sticky: false, data: TypeMap::new(), help_entries: HashMap::new(), owner: None, } } } impl MenuBuilder { /// Creates a new pagination menu #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip_all)] pub fn new_paginator() -> Self { let mut controls = HashMap::new(); let mut help_entries = HashMap::new(); controls.insert( PREVIOUS_PAGE_EMOJI.to_string(), ActionContainer::new(0, |c, m, r| previous_page(c, m, r).boxed()), ); help_entries.insert( PREVIOUS_PAGE_EMOJI.to_string(), "Displays the previous page".to_string(), ); controls.insert( CLOSE_MENU_EMOJI.to_string(), ActionContainer::new(1, |c, m, r| close_menu(c, m, r).boxed()), ); help_entries.insert( CLOSE_MENU_EMOJI.to_string(), "Closes the menu buttons".to_string(), ); controls.insert( NEXT_PAGE_EMOJI.to_string(), ActionContainer::new(2, |c, m, r| next_page(c, m, r).boxed()), ); help_entries.insert( NEXT_PAGE_EMOJI.to_string(), "Displays the next page".to_string(), ); Self { controls, help_entries, ..Default::default() } } /// Adds a page to the message builder pub fn add_page(mut self, page: Page<'static>) -> Self { self.pages.push(page); self } /// Adds multiple pages to the message pub fn add_pages(mut self, pages: I) -> Self where I: IntoIterator>, { let mut pages = pages.into_iter().collect(); self.pages.append(&mut pages); self } /// Adds a single control to the message pub fn add_control(mut self, position: isize, emoji: S, action: F) -> Self where S: ToString, F: for<'b> Fn(&'b Context, &'b mut Menu<'_>, Reaction) -> ControlActionResult<'b> + Send + Sync, { self.controls .insert(emoji.to_string(), ActionContainer::new(position, action)); self } /// Adds a single control to the message pub fn add_controls(mut self, controls: I) -> Self where S: ToString, I: IntoIterator, { for (position, emoji, action) in controls { self.controls.insert( emoji.to_string(), ActionContainer { position, inner: action, }, ); } self } /// Sets the timeout for the message pub fn timeout(mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Self { self.timeout = timeout; self } /// Sets the start page of the message pub fn start_page(mut self, page: usize) -> Self { self.current_page = page; self } /// If the message should be sticky and always be /// the last one in the channel pub fn sticky(mut self, value: bool) -> Self { self.sticky = value; self } /// Adds data to the menu typemap pub fn add_data(mut self, value: T::Value) -> Self where T: TypeMapKey, {; self } /// Adds a help entry pub fn add_help(mut self, button: S, help: S) -> Self { self.help_entries .insert(button.to_string(), help.to_string()); self } /// Turns showing help for buttons on pub fn show_help(self) -> Self { self.add_control(100, HELP_EMOJI, |c, m, r| Box::pin(toggle_help(c, m, r))) .add_data::(Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false))) } /// Sets the owner of the menu /// if it's set only the owner can interact with the menu pub fn owner(mut self, user_id: UserId) -> Self { self.owner = Some(user_id); self } /// builds the menu #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip_all)] pub async fn build( self, ctx: &Context, channel_id: ChannelId, ) -> Result>> { let mut current_page = self .pages .get(self.current_page) .ok_or(Error::PageNotFound(self.current_page))? .clone() .get() .await?; let message = channel_id.send_message(ctx, |_| &mut current_page).await?; tracing::debug!("Sorting controls..."); let mut controls = self .controls .clone() .into_iter() .collect::>(); controls.sort_by_key(|(_, a)| a.position); tracing::debug!("Creating menu..."); let message_handle = MessageHandle::new(message.channel_id,; let handle_lock = Arc::new(RwLock::new(message_handle)); let listeners = get_listeners_from_context(ctx).await?; let menu = Menu { message: Arc::clone(&handle_lock), pages: self.pages, current_page: self.current_page, controls: self.controls, timeout: Instant::now() + self.timeout, closed: false, listeners: Arc::clone(&listeners), sticky: self.sticky, data:, help_entries: self.help_entries, owner: self.owner, }; tracing::debug!("Storing menu to listeners..."); listeners.insert(message_handle, Arc::new(Mutex::new(Box::new(menu).into()))); tracing::debug!("Adding controls..."); for (emoji, _) in controls { message .react(ctx, ReactionType::Unicode(emoji.clone())) .await?; } Ok(handle_lock) } }