# Placeholders Placeholders are used to insert additional content or variables in the document. The syntax for placeholders is: ``` [[PLACEHOLDER]] # Example [[date]] ``` The most commonly used placeholders are: | Placeholder | Meaning | | ----------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | | `[[TOC]][ordered=true/false]` | Inserts the table of contents at the current position | | `[[BIB]]` | Inserts the bibliography list at the current position | | `[[GLS]]` | Inserts the glossary list at the current position | | `[[date]]` | Inserts the current date | | `[[time]]` | Inserts the current time | | `[[datetime]]` | Inserts the current date and time | | `[[author]]` | Inserts the author of the document | | `[[title]]` | Inserts the title of the document |   Additionally all entries defined in the `custom_attributes` section of the configuration can be inserted as placeholders.