import {getApi, FileDownloader} from "@microsoft/vscode-file-downloader-api"; import { exec, execFile } from "child_process"; import { chmodSync } from "fs"; import * as os from "os"; import * as path from "path"; import * as fs from "fs"; import { pathToFileURL } from "url"; import { setFlagsFromString } from "v8"; import { ExtensionContext, Uri } from "vscode"; import * as vscode from "vscode"; import fetch from "node-fetch"; const SNEKDOWN_FILE_LINUX = "snekdown-linux-x86_64"; const SNEKDOWN_FILE_WINDOWS = "snekdown-windows-x86_64.exe"; const SNEKDOWN_URL_LINUX = "" + SNEKDOWN_FILE_LINUX; const SNEKDOWN_URL_WINDOWS = "" + SNEKDOWN_FILE_WINDOWS; enum SnekdownCommand { render = "render", watch = "watch", init = "init", clearCache = "clear-cache", } export enum RenderingFormat { html = "html", pdf = "pdf", } export class SnekdownWrapper { private executable: string = "snekdown"; constructor(private context: ExtensionContext) { } /** * Initializes a snekdown project */ public async init() { await this.execute(SnekdownCommand.init, []); } /** * Renders a file to html and returns the html string * @param inputFile */ public async renderHTML(inputFile: string): Promise { return this.execute(SnekdownCommand.render, [inputFile, "--stdout"]); } /** * Clears the image and rendering cache */ public async clearCache() { await this.execute(SnekdownCommand.clearCache, []); } /** * Renders the document to a file * @param inputFile * @param outputFile * @param format */ public async renderToFile(inputFile: string, outputFile: string, format: RenderingFormat) { await this.execute(SnekdownCommand.render, [inputFile, outputFile, "--format", format]); } /** * Detects or downloads the snekdown executable */ public async download () { const fileDownloader: FileDownloader = await getApi(); let execPath: string; switch (os.platform()) { case 'win32': execPath = this.buildExecutablePath(SNEKDOWN_FILE_WINDOWS); await fetch(SNEKDOWN_FILE_WINDOWS).then(res => { fs.writeFileSync(execPath, res.buffer); }); this.executable = execPath; break; case 'linux': if (fs.existsSync("/usr/bin/snekdown")) { this.executable = "/usr/bin/snekdown"; break; } execPath = this.buildExecutablePath(SNEKDOWN_FILE_LINUX); await fetch(SNEKDOWN_URL_LINUX).then(res => { fs.writeFileSync(execPath, res.buffer); }); this.executable = execPath; chmodSync(execPath, "555"); break; default: throw new Error("OS Platform not supported."); } } /** * Builds the path in the extension folder for a given file */ private buildExecutablePath(filename: string): string { return path.join(this.context.extensionPath, filename); } /** * Executes a snekdown command and returns the stdout value * @param command * @param args */ private async execute(command: SnekdownCommand, args: string[]): Promise { let cwd: string; if (vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders) { cwd = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.fsPath; } return new Promise((res, rej) => { let process = execFile(this.executable, [command, ...args], {cwd}, (err, stdout, stderr) => { if (err) { rej(err); } if (process.exitCode !== 0) { rej(stderr); } console.log(stderr); res(stdout); }); }); } }