use crate::elements::*; use crate::references::bibliography::create_bib_list; use chrono::prelude::*; use regex::Regex; macro_rules! block { ($inner:expr) => { Element::Block(Box::new($inner)) }; } #[allow(unused)] macro_rules! line { ($inner:expr) => { Element::Line(Box::new($inner)) }; } macro_rules! inline { ($inner:expr) => { Element::Inline(Box::new($inner)) }; } pub(crate) trait ProcessPlaceholders { fn process_placeholders(&mut self); fn process_definitions(&mut self); } const S_VALUE: &str = "value"; const P_TOC: &str = "toc"; const P_BIB: &str = "bib"; const P_GLS: &str = "gls"; const P_DATE: &str = "date"; const P_TIME: &str = "time"; const P_DATETIME: &str = "datetime"; const P_AUTHOR: &str = "author"; const P_TITLE: &str = "title"; impl ProcessPlaceholders for Document { /// parses all placeholders and assigns values to them fn process_placeholders(&mut self) { self.placeholders.iter().for_each(|p| { let mut pholder = p.write().unwrap(); match { P_TOC => { let ordered = if let Some(meta) = &pholder.metadata { meta.get_bool("ordered") } else { false }; pholder.set_value(block!(Block::List(self.create_toc(ordered)))) } P_BIB => pholder.set_value(block!(Block::List(create_bib_list( self.bibliography.get_entry_list_by_occurrence() )))), P_GLS => pholder.set_value(block!(Block::List( self.glossary.lock().create_glossary_list() ))), P_DATE => pholder.set_value(inline!(Inline::Plain(PlainText { value: get_date_string() }))), P_TIME => pholder.set_value(inline!(Inline::Plain(PlainText { value: get_time_string() }))), P_DATETIME => pholder.set_value(inline!(Inline::Plain(PlainText { value: format!("{} {}", get_date_string(), get_time_string()) }))), P_AUTHOR => { if let Some(value) = self.config.lock() { pholder.set_value(inline!(Inline::Plain(PlainText { value }))) } } P_TITLE => { if let Some(value) = self.config.lock().metadata.title.clone() { pholder.set_value(inline!(Inline::Plain(PlainText { value }))) } } _ => { if let Some(value) = self .config .lock() .custom_attributes .get( .cloned() { pholder.set_value(inline!(Inline::Plain(PlainText { value }))) } } } }) } fn process_definitions(&mut self) { lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref RE_SET: Regex = Regex::new(r"^set:(.*)$").unwrap(); } let placeholders = self.placeholders.clone(); placeholders.iter().for_each(|p| { let mut pholder = p.write().unwrap(); let name =; if let Some(cap) = RE_SET.captures(&name) { if let Some(key) = cap.get(1) { let key: &str = key.as_str(); pholder.value = Some(inline!(Inline::Plain(PlainText { value: "".to_string() }))); if let Some(meta) = &pholder.metadata { if let Some(value) = { self.config.lock().set_from_meta(key, value.clone()) } } } return; } }); } } fn get_time_string() -> String { let now = Local::now(); format!("{:02}:{:02}:{:02}", now.hour(), now.minute(), now.second()) } fn get_date_string() -> String { let now = Local::now(); format!("{:02}.{:02}.{:04}",, now.month(), now.year()) }