# ![](https://i.imgur.com/FpdXqiT.png) Snekdown - More than just Markdown ![](https://img.shields.io/discord/729250668162056313) This projects goal is to implement a fast markdown parser with an extended syntax fitted for my needs. ## Usage ``` USAGE: snekdown [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND] FLAGS: -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: -f, --format the output format [default: html] ARGS: Path to the input file Path for the output file SUBCOMMANDS: help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) render Default. Parse and render the document watch Watch the document and its imports and render on change ``` ## Syntax ### Images ```md Simple Syntax !(url) Extended syntax with a description ![description](url) Extended syntax with metadata to specify the size ![description](url)[metadata] Extended syntax with metadata and no description !(url)[metadata] ``` When generating the html file the images are base64 embedded. ### Quotes ```md Simple (default) Syntax > This is a quote Multiline > This is a > Multiline Quote Quote with metadata (e.g. Author) [author=Trivernis year=2020 display='{{author}} - {{year}}']> This is a quote with metadata ``` ### Imports Imports can be used to import a different document to be attached to the main document. Imports are parsed via multithreading. ```md <[path] <[document.md] <[style.css][type=stylesheet] ``` The parser differentiates four different types of imported files. - `document` - The default import which is just another snekdown document - `stylesheet` - CSS Stylesheets that are inclued when rendering - `bibliography` - A file including bibliography - `config`/`manifest` - A config file that contains metadata If no type is provided the parser guesses the type of file from the extension. ### Tables Tables MUST start with a pipe character `|` ```md Standalone header: | header | header | header Header with rows | header | header | header |--------|--------|------- | row | row | row ``` ### Placeholders Placeholders can be used to insert special elements in a specific place. Placeholders are always case insensitive. ```md Insert the table of contents [[TOC]] Insert the current date [[date]] Insert the current time [[time]] ``` ### Metadata Additional metadata can be provided for some elements. ```md String value [key = value] String value [key = "String value"] Integer value [key = 123] Float value [key = 1.23] Boolean [key] Boolean [key = false] Placeholder [key = [[placeholder]]] ``` Metadata can also be defined in a separate toml file with simple key-value pairs. Example: ```toml # bibliography.bib.toml [Meta] author = "Snek" published = "2020" test-key = ["test value", "test value 2"] [imports] ignored-imports = ["style.css"] # those files won't get imported included-stylesheets = ["style2.css"] # stylesheets that should be included included-configs = [] # other metadata files that should be included included-bibliography = ["nextbib.toml"]# bibliography that should be included ``` The `[Section]` keys are not relevant as the structure gets flattened before the values are read. #### Usage ``` Hide a section (including subsections) in the TOC #[toc-hidden] Section Set the size of an image !(url)[width = 42% height=auto] Set the source of a quote [author=Me date=[[date]] display="{{author}} - {{date}}"]> It's me Set options for placeholders [[toc]][ordered] ``` ### Centered Text ``` || These two lines || are centered ``` ### Inline ```md *Italic* **Bold** ~Striked~ _Underlined_ ^Superscript^ `Monospace` :Emoji: §[#0C0]Colored text§[] §[red] red §[] ``` ## Bibliography Bibliography entries can be defined and referenced anywhere in the document. Definition: ```md [SD_BOOK]:[type=book, author=Snek, title = "Snekdown Book" date="20.08.2020", publisher=Snek] [SD_GITHUB]: https://github.com/trivernis/snekdown ``` Usage: ``` There is a book about snekdown[^book] and a github repo[^github]. ``` Entries can also be defined in a separate toml file with the following data layout: ```toml # snekdown.toml [BIB_KEY] key = "value" [SD_BOOK] type = "book" author = "Snek" title = "Snekdown Book" date = "20.08.2020" publisher = "Snek" [SD_GITHUB] type = "website" url = "https://github.com/trivernis/snekdown" ``` The valid types for entries and required fields can be found on in the [bibliographix README](https://github.com/Trivernis/bibliographix#bibliography-types-and-fields). Bibliography entries are not rendered. To render a list of used bibliography insert the `bib` placeholder at the place you want it to be rendered. ## Math Snekdown allows the embedding of [AsciiMath](http://asciimath.org/): The AsciiMath parser is provided in the [asciimath-rs](https://github.com/Trivernis/asciimath-rs) crate ``` inline math $$ a^2 + b^2 = c^2 $$ Block Math $$$ A = [[1, 2],[3,4]] $$$ ``` The expression get's converted into MathML which is then converted by MathJax when loaded in the browser. ## Roadmap The end goal is to have a markup language with features similar to LaTeX. - [x] Checkboxes - [x] Emojis (\:emoji:) - [x] Colors - [x] Watching and rendering on change - [x] Metadata files - [x] Bibliography - [x] Math - [ ] Text sizes - [ ] Title pages - [ ] Glossary - [ ] Cross References - [ ] Figures - [ ] EPUB Rendering (PDF is too hard) - [ ] Custom Elements via templates (50%) - [x] Custom Stylesheets - [ ] Smart arrows