use super::charstate::CharStateMachine; use super::elements::*; use super::parser::ParseError; use super::tokens::*; use crate::Parser; pub(crate) trait ParseInline { fn parse_inline(&mut self) -> Result; fn parse_image(&mut self) -> Result; fn parse_url(&mut self, short_syntax: bool) -> Result; fn parse_bold(&mut self) -> Result; fn parse_italic(&mut self) -> Result; fn parse_striked(&mut self) -> Result; fn parse_monospace(&mut self) -> Result; fn parse_underlined(&mut self) -> Result; fn parse_plain(&mut self) -> Result; fn parse_surrounded(&mut self, surrounding: &char) -> Result; } impl ParseInline for Parser { /// parses Inline, the formatting parts of a line (Text) fn parse_inline(&mut self) -> Result { if self.check_special(&PIPE) || self.check_linebreak() { Err(ParseError::new(self.index)) } else if let Ok(image) = self.parse_image() { Ok(Inline::Image(image)) } else if let Ok(url) = self.parse_url(false) { Ok(Inline::Url(url)) } else if let Ok(pholder) = self.parse_placeholder() { Ok(Inline::Placeholder(pholder)) } else if let Ok(bold) = self.parse_bold() { Ok(Inline::Bold(bold)) } else if let Ok(italic) = self.parse_italic() { Ok(Inline::Italic(italic)) } else if let Ok(under) = self.parse_underlined() { Ok(Inline::Underlined(under)) } else if let Ok(mono) = self.parse_monospace() { Ok(Inline::Monospace(mono)) } else if let Ok(striked) = self.parse_striked() { Ok(Inline::Striked(striked)) } else { Ok(Inline::Plain(self.parse_plain()?)) } } /// parses an image url fn parse_image(&mut self) -> Result { let start_index = self.index; self.seek_inline_whitespace(); self.assert_special(&IMG_START, start_index)?; self.skip_char(); if let Ok(url) = self.parse_url(true) { let metadata = if let Ok(meta) = self.parse_inline_metadata() { Some(meta) } else { None }; Ok(Image { url, metadata }) } else { Err(self.revert_with_error(start_index)) } } // parses an url fn parse_url(&mut self, short_syntax: bool) -> Result { let start_index = self.index; self.seek_inline_whitespace(); let mut description = String::new(); if self.check_special(&DESC_OPEN) { self.skip_char(); description = if let Ok(desc) = self.get_string_until(&[DESC_CLOSE], &[LB]) { desc } else { return Err(self.revert_with_error(start_index)); }; } else if !short_syntax { return Err(self.revert_with_error(start_index)); } self.skip_char(); self.assert_special(&URL_OPEN, start_index)?; self.skip_char(); self.seek_inline_whitespace(); let url = if let Ok(url_str) = self.get_string_until(&[URL_CLOSE], &[LB]) { url_str } else { return Err(self.revert_with_error(start_index)); }; self.skip_char(); if description.is_empty() { Ok(Url::new(None, url)) } else { Ok(Url::new(Some(description), url)) } } /// parses bold text with must start with two asterisks fn parse_bold(&mut self) -> Result { let start_index = self.index; self.assert_special_sequence(&BOLD, start_index)?; self.skip_char(); let inline = self.parse_inline()?; self.assert_special_sequence(&BOLD, start_index)?; self.skip_char(); Ok(BoldText { value: Box::new(inline), }) } fn parse_italic(&mut self) -> Result { Ok(ItalicText { value: Box::new(self.parse_surrounded(&ITALIC)?), }) } fn parse_striked(&mut self) -> Result { Ok(StrikedText { value: Box::new(self.parse_surrounded(&STRIKED)?), }) } /// parses monospace text (inline-code) that isn't allowed to contain special characters fn parse_monospace(&mut self) -> Result { let start_index = self.index; self.assert_special(&BACKTICK, start_index)?; self.skip_char(); let content = self.get_string_until(&[BACKTICK, LB], &[])?; self.assert_special(&BACKTICK, start_index)?; self.skip_char(); Ok(MonospaceText { value: content }) } fn parse_underlined(&mut self) -> Result { Ok(UnderlinedText { value: Box::new(self.parse_surrounded(&UNDERLINED)?), }) } /// parses plain text as a string until it encounters an unescaped special inline char fn parse_plain(&mut self) -> Result { if self.check_linebreak() { return Err(ParseError::new(self.index)); } let mut characters = String::new(); characters.push(self.current_char); while let Some(ch) = self.next_char() { if self.check_special_group(&INLINE_SPECIAL_CHARS) || self.check_special_group(&self.inline_break_at) { break; } characters.push(ch) } if characters.len() > 0 { Ok(PlainText { value: characters }) } else { Err(ParseError::new(self.index)) } } /// parses Inline surrounded by characters fn parse_surrounded(&mut self, surrounding: &char) -> Result { let start_index = self.index; self.assert_special(surrounding, start_index)?; self.skip_char(); let inline = self.parse_inline()?; self.assert_special(surrounding, start_index)?; self.skip_char(); Ok(inline) } }