use crate::utils::caching::CacheStorage; use crate::utils::downloads::download_path; use image::imageops::FilterType; use image::io::Reader as ImageReader; use image::{GenericImageView, ImageFormat, ImageResult}; use mime::Mime; use parking_lot::Mutex; use rayon::prelude::*; use std::io; use std::io::Cursor; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Arc; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct ImageConverter { images: Vec>>, target_format: Option, target_size: Option<(u32, u32)>, } impl ImageConverter { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { images: Vec::new(), target_format: None, target_size: None, } } pub fn set_target_size(&mut self, target_size: (u32, u32)) { self.target_size = Some(target_size) } pub fn set_target_format(&mut self, target_format: ImageFormat) { self.target_format = Some(target_format); } /// Adds an image to convert pub fn add_image(&mut self, path: PathBuf) -> Arc> { let image = Arc::new(Mutex::new(PendingImage::new(path))); self.images.push(image.clone()); image } /// Converts all images pub fn convert_all(&mut self) { self.images.par_iter().for_each(|image| { let mut image = image.lock(); if let Err(e) = image.convert(self.target_format.clone(), self.target_size.clone()) { log::error!("Failed to embed image {:?}: {}", image.path, e) } }); } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct PendingImage { pub path: PathBuf, pub data: Option>, cache: CacheStorage, pub mime: Mime, } impl PendingImage { pub fn new(path: PathBuf) -> Self { let mime = get_mime(&path); Self { path, data: None, cache: CacheStorage::new(), mime, } } /// Converts the image to the specified target format (specified by target_extension) pub fn convert( &mut self, target_format: Option, target_size: Option<(u32, u32)>, ) -> ImageResult<()> { let format = target_format .or_else(|| { self.path .extension() .and_then(|extension| ImageFormat::from_extension(extension)) }) .unwrap_or(ImageFormat::Png); let output_path = self.get_output_path(format, target_size); self.mime = get_mime(&output_path); if self.cache.has_file(&output_path) { = Some( } else { self.convert_image(format, target_size)?; if let Some(data) = & { self.cache.write(&output_path, data)?; } } Ok(()) } /// Converts the image fn convert_image( &mut self, format: ImageFormat, target_size: Option<(u32, u32)>, ) -> ImageResult<()> { let mut image = ImageReader::open(self.get_path()?)?.decode()?; if let Some((width, height)) = target_size { let dimensions = image.dimensions(); if dimensions.0 > width || dimensions.1 > height { image = image.resize(width, height, FilterType::Lanczos3); } } let data = Vec::new(); let mut writer = Cursor::new(data); image.write_to(&mut writer, format)?; = Some(writer.into_inner()); Ok(()) } /// Returns the path of the file fn get_path(&self) -> io::Result { if !self.path.exists() { if self.cache.has_file(&self.path) { return Ok(self.cache.get_file_path(&self.path)); } if let Some(data) = download_path(self.path.to_string_lossy().to_string()) { self.cache.write(&self.path, data)?; return Ok(self.cache.get_file_path(&self.path)); } } Ok(self.path.clone()) } /// Returns the output file name after converting the image fn get_output_path( &self, target_format: ImageFormat, target_size: Option<(u32, u32)>, ) -> PathBuf { let mut path = self.path.clone(); let mut file_name = path.file_stem().unwrap().to_string_lossy().to_string(); let extension = target_format.extensions_str()[0]; let type_name = format!("{:?}", target_format); if let Some(target_size) = target_size { file_name += &*format!("-{}-{}", target_size.0, target_size.1); } file_name += format!("-{}-converted", type_name).as_str(); path.set_file_name(file_name); path.set_extension(extension); path } } fn get_mime(path: &PathBuf) -> Mime { let mime = mime_guess::from_ext( path.clone() .extension() .and_then(|e| e.to_str()) .unwrap_or("png"), ) .first() .unwrap_or(mime::IMAGE_PNG); mime }