use indicatif::{ProgressBar, ProgressStyle}; use platform_dirs::{AppDirs, AppUI}; use rayon::prelude::*; use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher; use std::fs; use std::fs::read; use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; /// A manager for downloading urls in parallel #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct DownloadManager { downloads: Vec>>, pub use_cache: bool, } impl DownloadManager { /// Creates a new download manager pub fn new() -> Self { Self { downloads: Vec::new(), use_cache: true, } } /// Adds a new pending download pub fn add_download(&mut self, path: String) -> Arc> { let mut download = PendingDownload::new(path.clone()); download.use_cache = self.use_cache; let pending = Arc::new(Mutex::new(download)); self.downloads.push(Arc::clone(&pending)); log::debug!("Added download {}", path); pending } /// Downloads all download entries pub fn download_all(&self) { let pb = Arc::new(Mutex::new(ProgressBar::new(self.downloads.len() as u64))); pb.lock().unwrap().set_style( ProgressStyle::default_bar() .template("Fetching Embeds: [{bar:40.cyan/blue}]") .progress_chars("=> "), ); let pb_cloned = Arc::clone(&pb); self.downloads.par_iter().for_each_with(pb_cloned, |pb, d| { d.lock().unwrap().download(); pb.lock().unwrap().inc(1); }); pb.lock().unwrap().finish_and_clear(); } } /// A pending download entry. /// Download does not necessarily mean that it's not a local file #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct PendingDownload { pub(crate) path: String, pub(crate) data: Option>, pub(crate) use_cache: bool, } impl PendingDownload { pub fn new(path: String) -> Self { Self { path, data: None, use_cache: true, } } /// Downloads the file and writes the content to the content field pub fn download(&mut self) { = self.read_content(); } /// Reads the fiels content or downloads it if it doesn't exist in the filesystem fn read_content(&self) -> Option> { let path = PathBuf::from(&self.path); if path.exists() { read(path).ok() } else if let Some(contents) = self.read_from_cache() { log::debug!("Read {} from cache.", self.path.clone()); Some(contents) } else { if let Some(data) = self.download_content() { self.store_to_cache(&data); Some(data) } else { None } } } /// Stores the data to a cache file to retrieve it later fn store_to_cache(&self, data: &Vec) { if self.use_cache { let cache_file = get_cached_path(PathBuf::from(&self.path)); log::debug!("Writing to cache {} -> {:?}", self.path, cache_file); fs::write(&cache_file, data.clone()).unwrap_or_else(|_| { log::warn!( "Failed to write file to cache: {} -> {:?}", self.path, cache_file ) }); } } fn read_from_cache(&self) -> Option> { let cache_path = get_cached_path(PathBuf::from(&self.path)); if cache_path.exists() && self.use_cache { read(cache_path).ok() } else { None } } /// Downloads the content from the given url fn download_content(&self) -> Option> { reqwest::blocking::get(&self.path) .ok() .map(|c| c.bytes()) .and_then(|b| b.ok()) .map(|b| b.to_vec()) } } pub fn get_cached_path(path: PathBuf) -> PathBuf { lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref APP_DIRS: AppDirs = AppDirs::new(Some("snekdown"), AppUI::CommandLine).unwrap(); } let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new(); path.hash(&mut hasher); let file_name = PathBuf::from(format!("{:x}", hasher.finish())); if !APP_DIRS.cache_dir.is_dir() { fs::create_dir(&APP_DIRS.cache_dir) .unwrap_or_else(|_| log::warn!("Failed to create cache dir {:?}", APP_DIRS.cache_dir)) } APP_DIRS.cache_dir.join(file_name) }