use crate::elements::{Anchor, BoldText, ItalicText, Line, List, ListItem, PlainText, TextLine}; use crate::elements::{Inline, Url}; use bibliographix::bibliography::bib_types::article::Article; use bibliographix::bibliography::bib_types::book::Book; use bibliographix::bibliography::bib_types::booklet::Booklet; use bibliographix::bibliography::bib_types::in_book::InBook; use bibliographix::bibliography::bib_types::in_collection::InCollection; use bibliographix::bibliography::bib_types::manual::Manual; use bibliographix::bibliography::bib_types::misc::Misc; use bibliographix::bibliography::bib_types::repository::Repository; use bibliographix::bibliography::bib_types::tech_report::TechReport; use bibliographix::bibliography::bib_types::thesis::Thesis; use bibliographix::bibliography::bib_types::unpublished::Unpublished; use bibliographix::bibliography::bib_types::website::Website; use bibliographix::bibliography::bib_types::BibliographyType; use bibliographix::bibliography::bibliography_entry::{ BibliographyEntry, BibliographyEntryReference, }; const DATE_FORMAT: &str = "%d.%m.%Y"; use crate::bold_text; use crate::italic_text; use crate::list_item; use crate::plain_text; use crate::url_text; /// Creates a list from a list of bib items pub fn create_bib_list(entries: Vec) -> List { let mut list = List::new(); list.ordered = true; let mut count = 1; for entry in entries { entry .lock() .raw_fields .insert("ord".to_string(), count.to_string()); list.add_item(get_item_for_entry(entry)); count += 1; } list } /// Returns the list item for a bib entry fn get_item_for_entry(entry: BibliographyEntryReference) -> ListItem { let entry = entry.lock(); match &entry.bib_type { BibliographyType::Article(a) => get_item_for_article(&*entry, a), BibliographyType::Book(b) => get_item_for_book(&*entry, b), BibliographyType::Booklet(b) => get_item_for_booklet(&*entry, b), BibliographyType::InBook(ib) => get_item_for_in_book(&*entry, ib), BibliographyType::InCollection(ic) => get_item_for_in_collection(&*entry, ic), BibliographyType::Manual(m) => get_item_for_manual(&*entry, m), BibliographyType::Misc(m) => get_item_for_misc(&*entry, m), BibliographyType::Repository(r) => get_item_for_repository(&*entry, r), BibliographyType::TechReport(tr) => get_item_for_tech_report(&*entry, tr), BibliographyType::Thesis(t) => get_item_for_thesis(&*entry, t), BibliographyType::Unpublished(u) => get_item_for_unpublished(&*entry, u), BibliographyType::Website(w) => get_item_for_website(&*entry, w), } } /// Returns the formatted article bib entry fn get_item_for_article(entry: &BibliographyEntry, a: &Article) -> ListItem { let mut text = TextLine::new(); text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!("{}.",; text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!("\"{}\"", a.title.clone()))); text.subtext.push(plain_text!("In: ".to_string())); text.subtext.push(italic_text!(a.journal.clone())); if let Some(volume) = a.volume.clone() { text.subtext.push(italic_text!(format!(", {}", volume))) } if let Some(number) = a.number.clone() { text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!(", Number: {}", number))); } text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!(", {}",; if let Some(pages) = a.pages.clone() { text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!(", Pages: {}", pages))); } if let Some(url) = a.url.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(", URL: ".to_string())); text.subtext.push(url_text!(url)); } if let Some(notes) = entry.note.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(notes)) } list_item!(text, entry.key()) } /// Returns a list item for a book entry fn get_item_for_book(entry: &BibliographyEntry, b: &Book) -> ListItem { let mut text = TextLine::new(); text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!("{}.",; text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!("\"{}\"", b.title.clone()))); if let Some(volume) = b.volume.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(format!(", {}", volume))) } if let Some(edition) = b.edition.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(format!(", {}", edition))) } if let Some(series) = b.series.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(format!("In: "))); text.subtext.push(italic_text!(series)) } text.subtext.push(plain_text!(format!( "Published By: {}", b.publisher.clone() ) .to_string())); text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!("on {}",; if let Some(url) = b.url.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(", URL: ".to_string())); text.subtext.push(url_text!(url)); } if let Some(notes) = entry.note.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(notes)) } list_item!(text, entry.key()) } /// Returns the list item for a booklet fn get_item_for_booklet(entry: &BibliographyEntry, b: &Booklet) -> ListItem { let mut text = TextLine::new(); if let Some(author) = { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(format!("{}. ", author))) } text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!("\"{}\", Published ", b.title.clone()))); if let Some(how_pub) = b.how_published.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(format!("as {} ", how_pub))) } if let Some(date) = { text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!("on {}", date.format(DATE_FORMAT)))) } if let Some(notes) = entry.note.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(notes)) } list_item!(text, entry.key()) } /// Returns the list item for an in book bib entry fn get_item_for_in_book(entry: &BibliographyEntry, ib: &InBook) -> ListItem { let mut text = TextLine::new(); text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!("{}. ",; text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!("\"{}\"", ib.title.clone()))); text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!(" ({})", ib.position.clone()))); if let Some(volume) = ib.volume.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(format!(", {}", volume))) } if let Some(edition) = ib.edition.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(format!(", {}", edition))) } if let Some(series) = ib.series.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!("In: ".to_string())); text.subtext.push(italic_text!(series)) } text.subtext.push(plain_text!(format!( ", Published By: {}", ib.publisher.clone() ))); if let Some(notes) = entry.note.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(notes)) } list_item!(text, entry.key()) } /// Returns the list item for an InCollection bib entry fn get_item_for_in_collection(entry: &BibliographyEntry, ic: &InCollection) -> ListItem { let mut text = TextLine::new(); text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!("{}. ",; if let Some(editor) = ic.editor.clone() { text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!("(Editor: {})", editor))) } text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!("\"{}\"", ic.title.clone()))); if let Some(position) = ic.position.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(format!(" ({})", position))); } if let Some(volume) = ic.volume.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(format!(", {}", volume))) } if let Some(edition) = ic.edition.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(format!(", {}", edition))) } if let Some(series) = ic.series.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!("In: ".to_string())); text.subtext.push(italic_text!(series)) } if let Some(notes) = entry.note.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(notes)) } list_item!(text, entry.key()) } /// Returns the list item for a manual fn get_item_for_manual(entry: &BibliographyEntry, m: &Manual) -> ListItem { let mut text = TextLine::new(); if let Some(author) = { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(format!("{}. ", author))); } text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!("\"{}\"", m.title.clone()))); if let Some(edition) = m.edition.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(format!(", {}", edition))); } if let Some(organization) = m.organization.clone() { text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!(", by {}", organization))) } if let Some(date) = { text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!(" on {}", date.format(DATE_FORMAT)))) } if let Some(notes) = entry.note.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(notes)) } list_item!(text, entry.key()) } /// Returns the list item for a misc bib entry fn get_item_for_misc(entry: &BibliographyEntry, m: &Misc) -> ListItem { let mut text = TextLine::new(); if let Some(author) = { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(format!("{}. ", author))); } if let Some(title) = m.title.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(format!("\"{}\"", title))); } if let Some(how_pub) = m.how_published.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(format!("as {} ", how_pub))) } if let Some(date) = { text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!("on {}", date.format(DATE_FORMAT)))) } if let Some(url) = m.url.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(format!(", URL: {}", url))); } if let Some(notes) = entry.note.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(notes)) } list_item!(text, entry.key()) } /// Returns a list item for a repository bib entry fn get_item_for_repository(entry: &BibliographyEntry, r: &Repository) -> ListItem { let mut text = TextLine::new(); text.subtext.push(italic_text!(r.title.clone())); text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!(" by {}",; if let Some(url) = r.url.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(", URL: ".to_string())); text.subtext.push(url_text!(url)); } if let Some(accessed) = r.accessed_at.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(format!( "(accessed: {})", accessed.format(DATE_FORMAT) ))) } if let Some(license) = r.license.clone() { text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!(", License: {}", license))) } if let Some(notes) = entry.note.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(notes)) } list_item!(text, entry.key()) } /// Returns the list item for the tech report type fn get_item_for_tech_report(entry: &BibliographyEntry, tr: &TechReport) -> ListItem { let mut text = TextLine::new(); text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!("{}. ",; text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!("\"{}\"", tr.title.clone()))); text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!(" by {}", tr.institution.clone()))); text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!(" on {}",; if let Some(notes) = entry.note.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(notes)) } list_item!(text, entry.key()) } /// Returns a list item for a thesis fn get_item_for_thesis(entry: &BibliographyEntry, t: &Thesis) -> ListItem { let mut text = TextLine::new(); text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!("{}. ",; text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!("\"{}\" ", t.title.clone()))); text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!("at {}",; text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!(" on {}",; if let Some(notes) = entry.note.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(notes)) } list_item!(text, entry.key()) } /// Returns the list item for an unpublished bib type fn get_item_for_unpublished(entry: &BibliographyEntry, u: &Unpublished) -> ListItem { let mut text = TextLine::new(); text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!("{}.",; text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!("\"{}\"", u.title.clone()))); if let Some(date) = { text.subtext .push(plain_text!(format!(" on {}", date.format(DATE_FORMAT)))); } if let Some(notes) = entry.note.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(notes)) } list_item!(text, entry.key()) } fn get_item_for_website(entry: &BibliographyEntry, w: &Website) -> ListItem { let mut text = TextLine::new(); if let Some(title) = w.title.clone() { text.subtext.push(italic_text!(format!("{} - ", title))); } text.subtext.push(url_text!(w.url.clone())); if let Some(author) = { text.subtext.push(bold_text!(format!(" by {}", author))) } if let Some(accessed) = w.accessed_at.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(format!( "(accessed: {})", accessed.format(DATE_FORMAT) ))) } if let Some(date) = { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(format!( ", Published On: {}", date.format(DATE_FORMAT) ))) } if let Some(notes) = entry.note.clone() { text.subtext.push(plain_text!(notes)) } list_item!(text, entry.key()) }