use super::ParseResult; use crate::elements::tokens::*; use crate::elements::{BibEntry, Metadata}; use crate::elements::{Cell, Centered, Header, Inline, Line, ListItem, Row, Ruler, TextLine}; use crate::parser::inline::ParseInline; use crate::Parser; use bibliographix::bibliography::bibliography_entry::BibliographyEntry; use bibliographix::bibliography::keys::{K_KEY, K_TYPE, K_URL, T_WEBSITE}; use bibliographix::bibliography::FromHashMap; use std::collections::HashMap; pub(crate) trait ParseLine { fn parse_line(&mut self) -> ParseResult; fn parse_header(&mut self) -> ParseResult
; fn parse_list_item(&mut self) -> ParseResult; fn parse_row(&mut self) -> ParseResult; fn parse_centered(&mut self) -> ParseResult; fn parse_ruler(&mut self) -> ParseResult; fn parse_text_line(&mut self) -> ParseResult; fn parse_bib_entry(&mut self) -> ParseResult; } impl ParseLine for Parser { /// parses inline definitions fn parse_line(&mut self) -> ParseResult { if self.ctm.check_eof() { Err(self.ctm.err()) } else { if let Ok(ruler) = self.parse_ruler() { Ok(Line::Ruler(ruler)) } else if let Ok(centered) = self.parse_centered() { Ok(Line::Centered(centered)) } else if let Ok(bib) = self.parse_bib_entry() { Ok(Line::BibEntry(bib)) } else if let Ok(text) = self.parse_text_line() { Ok(Line::Text(text)) } else { Err(self.ctm.err()) } } } /// parses the header of a section fn parse_header(&mut self) -> ParseResult
{ let start_index = self.ctm.get_index(); let line = self.parse_line()?; let mut anchor = String::new(); self.ctm.get_text()[start_index..self.ctm.get_index()] .iter() .for_each(|e| anchor.push(*e)); anchor.retain(|c| !c.is_whitespace()); Ok(Header::new(line, anchor)) } /// parses a single list item defined with - fn parse_list_item(&mut self) -> ParseResult { let start_index = self.ctm.get_index(); self.ctm.seek_any(&INLINE_WHITESPACE)?; let level = self.ctm.get_index() - start_index; self.ctm .assert_any(&LIST_SPECIAL_CHARS, Some(start_index))?; let ordered = self.ctm.get_current().is_numeric(); self.ctm.seek_one()?; if ordered { while self.ctm.get_current().is_numeric() { self.ctm.seek_one()?; } self.ctm.assert_char(&DOT, Some(start_index))?; self.ctm.seek_one()?; } if !self.ctm.check_any(&INLINE_WHITESPACE) { return Err(self.ctm.rewind_with_error(start_index)); } self.ctm.seek_any(&INLINE_WHITESPACE)?; if self.ctm.check_char(&MINUS) { return Err(self.ctm.rewind_with_error(start_index)); } let item = ListItem::new(self.parse_line()?, level as u16, ordered); Ok(item) } /// parses a table row/head fn parse_row(&mut self) -> ParseResult { let start_index = self.ctm.get_index(); self.ctm.seek_any(&INLINE_WHITESPACE)?; self.ctm.assert_char(&PIPE, Some(start_index))?; self.ctm.seek_one()?; if self.ctm.check_char(&PIPE) { return Err(self.ctm.rewind_with_error(start_index)); } self.inline_break_at.push(PIPE); self.ctm.seek_any(&INLINE_WHITESPACE)?; let mut row = Row::new(); loop { let mut element = TextLine::new(); while let Ok(inline) = self.parse_inline() { element.subtext.push(inline); if self.ctm.check_char(&LB) || self.ctm.check_char(&PIPE) || self.ctm.check_eof() { break; } } row.add_cell(Cell { text: Line::Text(element), }); if self.ctm.check_char(&PIPE) { self.ctm.seek_one()?; } if self.ctm.check_char(&LB) || self.ctm.check_eof() { break; } self.ctm.seek_any(&INLINE_WHITESPACE)?; } self.inline_break_at.clear(); if self.ctm.check_char(&PIPE) { self.ctm.seek_one()?; } if !self.ctm.check_eof() { let _ = self.ctm.seek_one(); } if row.cells.len() > 0 { Ok(row) } else { return Err(self.ctm.rewind_with_error(start_index)); } } /// parses centered text fn parse_centered(&mut self) -> ParseResult { let start_index = self.ctm.get_index(); self.ctm .assert_sequence(&SQ_CENTERED_START, Some(start_index))?; self.ctm.seek_one()?; let line = self.parse_text_line()?; Ok(Centered { line }) } /// parses a ruler fn parse_ruler(&mut self) -> ParseResult { let start_index = self.ctm.get_index(); self.ctm.seek_any(&INLINE_WHITESPACE)?; self.ctm.assert_sequence(&SQ_RULER, Some(start_index))?; while !self.ctm.check_char(&LB) { self.ctm.seek_one()?; } Ok(Ruler {}) } /// Parses a line of text fn parse_text_line(&mut self) -> ParseResult { let mut text = TextLine::new(); while let Ok(subtext) = self.parse_inline() { text.add_subtext(subtext); if self.ctm.check_eof() || self.ctm.check_any(&self.inline_break_at) { break; } } if self.ctm.check_char(&LB) { if let Ok(_) = self.ctm.seek_one() { if self.ctm.check_char(&LB) { text.add_subtext(Inline::LineBreak) } } } if text.subtext.len() > 0 { Ok(text) } else { Err(self.ctm.err()) } } fn parse_bib_entry(&mut self) -> ParseResult { let start_index = self.ctm.get_index(); self.ctm.seek_any(&INLINE_WHITESPACE)?; self.ctm.assert_char(&BIB_KEY_OPEN, Some(start_index))?; self.ctm.seek_one()?; let key = self.ctm .get_string_until_any_or_rewind(&[BIB_KEY_CLOSE], &[LB, SPACE], start_index)?; self.ctm.seek_one()?; self.ctm.assert_char(&BIB_DATA_START, Some(start_index))?; self.ctm.seek_one()?; self.ctm.seek_any(&INLINE_WHITESPACE)?; let entry = if let Ok(meta) = self.parse_inline_metadata() { let mut string_map = meta.get_string_map(); string_map.insert(K_KEY.to_string(), key.clone()); if let Some(entry) = BibliographyEntry::from_hash_map(&string_map) { *entry } else { eprintln!("Failed to parse bib entry with key {}", key); return Err(self.ctm.rewind_with_error(start_index)); } } else { let url = self .ctm .get_string_until_any_or_rewind(&[LB], &[], start_index)?; let mut map = HashMap::new(); map.insert(K_TYPE.to_string(), T_WEBSITE.to_string()); map.insert(K_URL.to_string(), url); map.insert(K_KEY.to_string(), key.clone()); if let Some(entry) = BibliographyEntry::from_hash_map(&map) { *entry } else { eprintln!("Failed to parse bib entry with key {}", key); return Err(self.ctm.rewind_with_error(start_index)); } }; self.document .bibliography .entry_dictionary() .lock() .unwrap() .insert(entry); Ok(BibEntry { entry: self .document .bibliography .entry_dictionary() .lock() .unwrap() .get(&key) .unwrap(), key, }) } }