Updated Readme

Trivernis 5 years ago
parent 9cf4fb8c78
commit c36ffc887c

@ -4,18 +4,19 @@ This plugin can be used to pre-generate the region of a world around the spawn c
The generation automatically pauses when a player joins the server (assuming the server was empty before)
and resumes when the server is empty again. The generation also auto-resumes after a server
restart. The plugin tracks the ticks per second and pauses the generation when the tps
is lower than 2.
is lower than 2 (configurable).
## Commands
All features can be accessed with the command `/chunkmaster` or the aliases `/chm`, `chunkm`, `cmaster`.
- `/chunkmaster generate [world] [chunk count]` Starts the generation until the specified chunk count or the world border is reached.
- `/chunkmaster generate [world] [chunk count] [unit]` Starts the generation until the specified chunk count or the world border is reached.
- `/chunkmaster list` Lists all running generation tasks
- `/chunkmaster cancel <Task id>` Cancels the generation task with the specified id (if it is running).
- `/chunkmaster pause` Pauses all generation tasks until the resume command is executed.
- `/chunkmaster resume` Resumes all paused generation tasks.
- `/chunkmaster reload` Reloads the configuration file.
- `/chunkmaster tpchunk <X> <Z>` Teleports you to the specified chunk coordinates.
## Config
