- changed SqliteUpdateManager to SqliteManager
- added methods to execute sql with values and callback to the SqliteManager
- added auto close of statements
- switched to establishing a connection only when sql should be executed
- added config parameter to define the number of chunks that should be generated per step
- probably fixed#3 by processing or canceling pending chunks before the world is saved
- improved performance of paper generation task
- improved stability of spigot generation task
- Updated Readme
- added configuration parameters for max pending chunks and max loaded chunks
- improved performance on paper servers by using chunk coordinates instead of chunk instances to check if the chunk was generated
- moved generation stuff to lib/generation
- Added interface GenerationTask
- added method to GenerationManager that creates a task depending on the server type
- added generation task for paper and spigot (to profit from async chunk loading)
- fixed removegentask command
- added autostop of generation task after a certain amout of chunks or at the world border
- added SqlUpdateManager to check if tables need to be created or updated