package net.trivernis.chunkmaster.lib import net.trivernis.chunkmaster.Chunkmaster import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils import org.sqlite.SQLiteConnection import java.lang.Exception import java.sql.Connection import java.sql.DriverManager import java.sql.PreparedStatement import java.sql.ResultSet class SqliteManager(private val chunkmaster: Chunkmaster) { private val tables = listOf( Pair( "generation_tasks", listOf( Pair("id", "integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT"), Pair("center_x", "integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"), Pair("center_z", "integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"), Pair("last_x", "integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"), Pair("last_z", "integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"), Pair("world", "text UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT 'world'"), Pair("stop_after", "integer DEFAULT -1") ) ) ) private val needUpdate = HashSet>>() private val needCreation = HashSet() /** * Returns the connection to the database */ fun getConnection(): Connection? { try { Class.forName("org.sqlite.JDBC") return DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:${chunkmaster.dataFolder.absolutePath}/chunkmaster.db") } catch (e: Exception) { chunkmaster.logger.severe("Could not get database connection.") chunkmaster.logger.severe(e.message) } return null } /** * Checks for and performs an update */ fun init() { this.checkUpdate() this.performUpdate() } /** * Checks which tables need an update or creation. */ private fun checkUpdate() { val meta = getConnection()!!.metaData for (table in tables) { val resTables = meta.getTables(null, null, table.first, null) if ( { // table exists for (column in table.second) { val resColumn = meta.getColumns(null, null, table.first, column.first) if (! { needUpdate.add(Pair(table.first, column)) } resColumn.close() } } else { needCreation.add(table.first) } resTables.close() } } /** * Executes a sql statement on the database. */ fun executeStatement(sql: String, values: HashMap, callback: ((ResultSet) -> Unit)?) { val connection = getConnection() if (connection != null) { try { val statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql) for (parameterValue in values) { statement.setObject(parameterValue.key, parameterValue.value) } statement.execute() val res = statement.resultSet if (callback != null) { callback(res) } statement.close() } catch (e: Exception) { chunkmaster.logger.severe("An error occured on sql $sql. ${e.message}") } finally { connection.close() } } else { chunkmaster.logger.severe("Could not execute sql $sql. No database connection established.") } } /** * Creates or updates tables that needed an update. */ private fun performUpdate() { for (table in needCreation) { try { var tableDef = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $table (" for (column in tables.find{it.first == table}!!.second) { tableDef += "${column.first} ${column.second}," } tableDef = tableDef.substringBeforeLast(",") + ");""Creating table $table with definition $tableDef") executeStatement(tableDef, HashMap(), null) } catch (e: Exception) { chunkmaster.logger.severe("Error creating table $table.") chunkmaster.logger.severe(e.message) } } for (table in needUpdate) { val updateSql = "ALTER TABLE ${table.first} ADD COLUMN ${table.second.first} ${table.second.second}" try { executeStatement(updateSql, HashMap(), null)"Updated table ${table.first} with sql $updateSql") } catch (e: Exception) { chunkmaster.logger.severe("Failed to update table ${table.first} with sql $updateSql") chunkmaster.logger.severe(e.message) } } } }