package net.trivernis.chunkmaster.lib.generation import io.papermc.lib.PaperLib import net.trivernis.chunkmaster.Chunkmaster import org.bukkit.Chunk import org.bukkit.Server import org.bukkit.World class GenerationManager(private val chunkmaster: Chunkmaster, private val server: Server) { val tasks: HashSet = HashSet() val pausedTasks: HashSet = HashSet() val worldCenters: HashMap> = HashMap() val allTasks: HashSet get() { if (this.tasks.isEmpty() && this.pausedTasks.isEmpty()) { if (this.worldCenters.isEmpty()) { this.loadWorldCenters() } this.startAll() if (!server.onlinePlayers.isEmpty()) { this.pauseAll() } } val all = HashSet() all.addAll(pausedTasks) all.addAll(tasks) return all } var paused = false private set /** * Adds a generation task */ fun addTask(world: World, stopAfter: Int = -1): Int { val foundTask = allTasks.find { == world } if (foundTask == null) { val centerChunk = if (worldCenters[] == null) { ChunkCoordinates(world.spawnLocation.chunk.x, world.spawnLocation.chunk.z) } else { val center = worldCenters[]!! ChunkCoordinates(center.first, center.second) } val generationTask = createGenerationTask(world, centerChunk, centerChunk, stopAfter) chunkmaster.sqliteManager.executeStatement( """ INSERT INTO generation_tasks (center_x, center_z, last_x, last_z, world, stop_after) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """, HashMap( mapOf( 1 to centerChunk.x, 2 to centerChunk.z, 3 to centerChunk.x, 4 to centerChunk.z, 5 to, 6 to stopAfter ) ), null ) var id = 0 chunkmaster.sqliteManager.executeStatement(""" SELECT id FROM generation_tasks ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 """.trimIndent(), HashMap()) { id = it.getInt("id") } generationTask.onEndReached {"TASK_FINISHED", id, it.count)) removeTask(id) } if (!paused) { val task = server.scheduler.runTaskTimer( chunkmaster, generationTask, 200, // 10 sec delay chunkmaster.config.getLong("generation.period") ) tasks.add(RunningTaskEntry(id, task, generationTask)) } else { pausedTasks.add(PausedTaskEntry(id, generationTask)) } return id } else { return } } /** * Resumes a generation task */ private fun resumeTask( world: World, center: ChunkCoordinates, last: ChunkCoordinates, id: Int, stopAfter: Int = -1, delay: Long = 200L ) { if (!paused) {"RESUME_FOR_WORLD", val generationTask = createGenerationTask(world, center, last, stopAfter) val task = server.scheduler.runTaskTimer( chunkmaster, generationTask, delay, // 10 sec delay chunkmaster.config.getLong("generation.period") ) tasks.add(RunningTaskEntry(id, task, generationTask)) generationTask.onEndReached {"TASK_FINISHED", id, generationTask.count)) removeTask(id) } } } /** * Stops a running generation task. */ fun removeTask(id: Int): Boolean { val taskEntry: TaskEntry? = if (this.paused) { this.pausedTasks.find { == id } } else { this.tasks.find { == id } } if (taskEntry != null) { taskEntry.cancel() chunkmaster.sqliteManager.executeStatement(""" DELETE FROM generation_tasks WHERE id = ?; """.trimIndent(), HashMap(mapOf(1 to, null ) if (taskEntry is RunningTaskEntry) { if (taskEntry.task.isCancelled) { tasks.remove(taskEntry) } } else if (taskEntry is PausedTaskEntry) { pausedTasks.remove(taskEntry) } return true } return false } /** * Init * Loads tasks from the database and resumes them */ fun init() {"CREATE_DELAYED_LOAD")) server.scheduler.runTaskTimer(chunkmaster, Runnable { saveProgress() // save progress every 30 seconds }, 600, 600) server.scheduler.runTaskLater(chunkmaster, Runnable { this.loadWorldCenters() this.startAll() if (!server.onlinePlayers.isEmpty()) { this.pauseAll() } }, 600) } /** * Stops all generation tasks */ fun stopAll() { val removalSet = HashSet() for (task in tasks) { val lastChunk = task.generationTask.lastChunkCoords val id ="SAVING_TASK_PROGRESS", saveProgressToDatabase(lastChunk, id) task.task.cancel() task.generationTask.cancel() if (task.task.isCancelled) { removalSet.add(task) }"TASK_CANCELED", } tasks.removeAll(removalSet) } /** * Starts all generation tasks. */ fun startAll() { chunkmaster.sqliteManager.executeStatement("SELECT * FROM generation_tasks", HashMap()) { res -> var count = 0 while ( { count++ try { val id = res.getInt("id") val world = server.getWorld(res.getString("world")) val center = ChunkCoordinates(res.getInt("center_x"), res.getInt("center_z")) val last = ChunkCoordinates(res.getInt("last_x"), res.getInt("last_z")) val stopAfter = res.getInt("stop_after") if (this.tasks.find { == id } == null) { resumeTask(world!!, center, last, id, stopAfter, 200L + count) } } catch (error: NullPointerException) { chunkmaster.logger.severe(chunkmaster.langManager.getLocalized("TASK_LOAD_FAILED", res.getInt("id"))) } } } if (tasks.isNotEmpty()) {"TASK_LOAD_SUCCESS", tasks.size)) } } /** * Pauses all tasks */ fun pauseAll() { paused = true for (task in tasks) { pausedTasks.add(PausedTaskEntry(, task.generationTask)) } stopAll() } /** * Resumes all tasks */ fun resumeAll() { paused = false pausedTasks.clear() startAll() } /** * Overload that doesn't need an argument */ fun loadWorldCenters() { loadWorldCenters(null) } /** * Loads the world centers from the database */ fun loadWorldCenters(cb: (() -> Unit)?) { chunkmaster.sqliteManager.executeStatement("SELECT * FROM world_properties", HashMap()) { while ( { worldCenters[it.getString("name")] = Pair(it.getInt("center_x"), it.getInt("center_z")) } cb?.invoke() } } /** * Updates the center of a world */ fun updateWorldCenter(worldName: String, center: Pair) { chunkmaster.sqliteManager.executeStatement("SELECT * FROM world_properties WHERE name = ?", HashMap(mapOf(1 to worldName))) { if ( { chunkmaster.sqliteManager.executeStatement("UPDATE world_properties SET center_x = ?, center_z = ? WHERE name = ?", HashMap( mapOf( 1 to center.first, 2 to center.second, 3 to worldName ) ), null) } else { chunkmaster.sqliteManager.executeStatement("INSERT INTO world_properties (name, center_x, center_z) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", HashMap( mapOf( 1 to worldName, 2 to center.first, 3 to center.second ) ), null) } } worldCenters[worldName] = center } /** * Saves the task progress */ private fun saveProgress() { for (task in tasks) { try { val genTask = task.generationTask val speed = task.generationSpeed!! val percentage = if (genTask.stopAfter > 0) "(${"%.2f".format( (genTask.count.toDouble() / genTask.stopAfter.toDouble()) * 100 )}%)" else "" val eta = if (genTask.stopAfter > 0 && speed > 0) { val etaSeconds = (genTask.stopAfter - genTask.count).toDouble()/speed val hours: Int = (etaSeconds/3600).toInt() val minutes: Int = ((etaSeconds % 3600) / 60).toInt() val seconds: Int = (etaSeconds % 60).toInt() ", ETA: %d:%02d:%02d".format(hours, minutes, seconds) } else { "" } "TASK_PERIODIC_REPORT",,, genTask.count, percentage, eta, speed, genTask.lastChunk.x, genTask.lastChunk.z)) saveProgressToDatabase(genTask.lastChunkCoords, genTask.updateLastChunkMarker() } catch (error: Exception) { chunkmaster.logger.warning(chunkmaster.langManager.getLocalized("TASK_SAVE_FAILED", error.toString())) } } } /** * Saves the generation progress to the database */ private fun saveProgressToDatabase(lastChunk: ChunkCoordinates, id: Int) { chunkmaster.sqliteManager.executeStatement( """ UPDATE generation_tasks SET last_x = ?, last_z = ? WHERE id = ? """.trimIndent(), HashMap(mapOf(1 to lastChunk.x, 2 to lastChunk.z, 3 to id)), null ) } /** * Creates a new generation task. This method is used to create a task depending * on the server type (Paper/Spigot). */ private fun createGenerationTask( world: World, center: ChunkCoordinates, start: ChunkCoordinates, stopAfter: Int ): GenerationTask { return if (PaperLib.isPaper()) { GenerationTaskPaper(chunkmaster, world, center, start, stopAfter) } else { GenerationTaskSpigot(chunkmaster, world, center, start, stopAfter) } } }