RESUME_FOR_WORLD = Resuming chunk generation task for world '%s'... TASK_FINISHED = Task #%d finished after %d chunks. TASK_CANCELED = Canceled task #%s. TASK_LOAD_FAILED = §cFailed to load task #%d. TASK_LOAD_SUCCESS = %d saved tasks loaded. TASK_NOT_FOUND = §cTask %s not found! CREATE_DELAYED_LOAD = Creating task to load chunk generation Tasks later... TASK_PERIODIC_REPORT = Task #%d running for '%s'. Progress: %d chunks %s %s, Speed: %.1f ch/s, Last Chunk: %d, %d TASK_SAVE_FAILED = §cException when saving tasks: %s WORLD_NAME_REQUIRED = §cYou need to provide a world name! WORLD_NOT_FOUND = §cWorld §2%s §cnot found! TASK_ALREADY_EXISTS = §cA task for '%s' already exists! TASK_CREATION_SUCCESS = §9Generation Task for world §2%s §9 until §2%s §9successfully created! TASK_ID_REQUIRED = §cYou need to provide a task id! PAUSED_TASKS_HEADER = Currently Paused Generation Tasks TASKS_ENTRY = - §9#%d§r - §2%s§r - §2%d chunks %s§r RUNNING_TASKS_HEADER = Currently Running Generation Tasks NO_GENERATION_TASKS = There are no generation tasks. PAUSE_SUCCESS = §9Paused all generation tasks. ALREADY_PAUSED = §cThe generation process is already paused! RESUME_SUCCESS = §9Resumed all generation Tasks. NOT_PAUSED = §cThe generation process is not paused! CONFIG_RELOADING = Reloading the config file... CONFIG_RELOADED = §2The config file has been reloaded! TELEPORTED = §9You have been teleported to chunk §2%s, %s TP_ONLY_PLAYER = §cThis command can only be executed by a player! NO_PERMISSION = §cYou do not have the permission for this command! SUBCOMMAND_NOT_FOUND = §cSubcommand §2%s §cnot found! STOPPING_ALL_TASKS = Stopping all generation tasks... SAVING_TASK_PROGRESS = Saving the progress of task #%s to the database... DB_INIT = Initializing database... DB_INIT_FINISHED = Database fully initialized. DB_INIT_EROR = Failed to init database: %s. DATABASE_CONNECTION_ERROR = §cCould not get the database connection! SQL_ERROR = §cAn eror occured on sql %s! NO_DATABASE_CONNECTION = §cCould not execute sql: No database connection. CREATE_TABLE_DEFINITION = Created table %s with definition %s. TABLE_CREATE_ERROR = §cError when creation table %s. UPDATE_TABLE_DEFINITION = Updated table %s with sql %s. UPDATE_TABLE_FAILED = Failed to update table %s with sql %s.