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package net.trivernis.chunkmaster.commands
import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor
import net.trivernis.chunkmaster.Chunkmaster
import net.trivernis.chunkmaster.lib.Subcommand
import org.bukkit.command.Command
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
import org.bukkit.entity.Player
import kotlin.math.pow
class CmdGenerate(private val chunkmaster: Chunkmaster): Subcommand {
override val name = "generate"
* TabComplete for generate command.
override fun onTabComplete(
sender: CommandSender,
command: Command,
alias: String,
args: List<String>
): MutableList<String> {
if (args.size == 1) {
return sender.server.worlds.filter {[0]) == 0 }
.map {}.toMutableList()
} else if (args.size == 2) {
if (args[0].toIntOrNull() != null) {
return units.filter {it.indexOf(args[1]) == 0}.toMutableList()
} else if (args.size > 2) {
if (args[1].toIntOrNull() != null) {
return units.filter {it.indexOf(args[2]) == 0}.toMutableList()
return emptyList<String>().toMutableList()
val units = listOf("blockradius", "radius", "diameter")
* Creates a new generation task for the world and chunk count.
override fun execute(sender: CommandSender, args: List<String>): Boolean {
var worldName = ""
var stopAfter = -1
if (sender is Player) {
if (args.isNotEmpty()) {
if (args[0].toIntOrNull() != null) {
stopAfter = args[0].toInt()
worldName =
} else {
worldName = args[0]
if (args.size > 1) {
if (args[1].toIntOrNull() != null) {
stopAfter = args[1].toInt()
} else if (args[1] in units && args[0].toIntOrNull() != null) {
stopAfter = getStopAfter(stopAfter, args[1])
} else {
worldName = args[1]
if (args.size > 2 && args[2] in units && args[1].toIntOrNull() != null) {
stopAfter = getStopAfter(stopAfter, args[2])
} else {
worldName =
} else {
if (args.isNotEmpty()) {
worldName = args[0]
if (args.size > 1) {
if (args[1].toIntOrNull() != null) {
stopAfter = args[1].toInt()
if (args.size > 2 && args[2] in units) {
stopAfter = getStopAfter(stopAfter, args[2])
} else {
*ComponentBuilder("You need to provide a world name").color(ChatColor.RED).create())
return false
return createTask(sender, worldName, stopAfter)
* Returns stopAfter for a given unit
private fun getStopAfter(number: Int, unit: String): Int {
if (unit in units) {
return when (unit) {
"radius" -> {
((number * 2)+1).toDouble().pow(2.0).toInt()
"diameter" -> {
"blockradius" -> {
else -> number
return number
* Creates the task with the given arguments.
private fun createTask(sender: CommandSender, worldName: String, stopAfter: Int): Boolean {
val world = chunkmaster.server.getWorld(worldName)
val allTasks = chunkmaster.generationManager.allTasks
return if (world != null && (allTasks.find { == world }) == null) {
chunkmaster.generationManager.addTask(world, stopAfter)
sender.spigot().sendMessage(*ComponentBuilder("Generation task for world ").color(ChatColor.BLUE)
.append(worldName).color(ChatColor.GREEN).append(" until ").color(ChatColor.BLUE)
.append(if (stopAfter > 0) "$stopAfter chunks" else "WorldBorder").color(ChatColor.GREEN)
.append(" successfully created").color(ChatColor.BLUE).create())
} else if (world == null){
sender.spigot().sendMessage(*ComponentBuilder("World ").color(ChatColor.RED)
.append(worldName).color(ChatColor.GREEN).append(" not found!").color(ChatColor.RED).create())
} else {
sender.spigot().sendMessage(*ComponentBuilder("Task already exists!").color(ChatColor.RED).create())
return false