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use clap::{Parser, Subcommand};
use extract_archive::format::{parse_format, FileFormat};
use std::fs;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::str::FromStr;
use tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::FmtSpan;
use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Parser)]
#[clap(name="extract-archive", version=env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"), about=env!("CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION"))]
struct Args {
/// The operation to perform
pub operation: Operation,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Subcommand)]
pub enum Operation {
/// Extracts a given file
Extract {
/// The file to extract
file: PathBuf,
/// The output folder for the given file
output: PathBuf,
fn main() {
let args: Args = Args::parse();
match args.operation {
Operation::Extract { output, file } => {
if !output.exists() {
fs::create_dir_all(&output).expect("Failed to create output directory");
if output.is_file() {
panic!("The given output path is a file");
let format = parse_format(&file).expect("Failed to parse file format");
.extract(&file, &output)
.expect("Failed to extract file");
fn init_logger() {
const DEFAULT_ENV_FILTER: &str = "info";
let filter_string =
std::env::var("RUST_LOG").unwrap_or_else(|_| DEFAULT_ENV_FILTER.to_string());
let env_filter =
EnvFilter::from_str(&*filter_string).expect("failed to parse env filter string");
.with_span_events(FmtSpan::NEW | FmtSpan::CLOSE)