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26 lines
638 B

use keyberon::key_code::KeyCode;
type Action = keyberon::action::Action<()>;
static STAR: Action = Action::KeyCode(KeyCode::KpAsterisk);
pub static LAYERS: keyberon::layout::Layers<4, 5, 1, ()> = keyberon::layout::layout! {
[ '_' / {STAR} - ],
[ 7 8 9 n ],
[ 4 5 6 + ],
[ 1 2 3 n ],
[ 0 0 , Enter],
// #[rustfmt::skip]
// pub static LAYERS: keyberon::layout::Layers<5, 4, 1, ()> = keyberon::layout::layout! {
// {
// ['_' 7 4 1],
// [/ 8 5 2 0],
// [{STAR} 9 6 3 ,],
// [ - n + n Enter]
// }
// };