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use crate::error::Result;
use crate::parsing::video_information::parse_video_information;
use crate::types::VideoInformation;
/// Returns information about a video
/// ```
/// use youtube_metadata::get_video_information;
/// # #[tokio::test]
/// # async fn doctest() {
/// let information = get_video_information("")
/// .await
/// .unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(, "dQw4w9WgXcQ".to_string());
/// assert_eq!(
/// information.url,
/// "".to_string()
/// );
/// assert_eq!(information.uploader, "RickAstleyVEVO".to_string());
/// assert_eq!(
/// information.title,
/// "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Video)".to_string()
/// );
/// assert_eq!(
/// information.thumbnail,
/// Some("".to_string())
/// );
/// # }
/// ```
pub async fn get_video_information(url: &str) -> Result<VideoInformation> {
let response = reqwest::get(url).await?;
let response_text = response.text().await?;