removing packages with dependencies now works, as well as some code cleanup

axtlos 3 years ago
parent 189e897831
commit 9638607624

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
mod mods;
use mods::{clearcache::{clearcache}, clone::clone, help::help, inssort::inssort, install::install, search::{a_search, r_search}, strs::err_rec, strs::err_unrec, strs::inf, uninstall::{uninstall}, update::{update}, upgrade::{upgrade}, ver::ver, xargs::*};
use mods::{clearcache::{clearcache}, clone::clone, help::help, inssort::inssort, install::install, purge::{purge}, search::{a_search, r_search}, strs::err_rec, strs::err_unrec, strs::inf, uninstall::{uninstall}, update::{update}, upgrade::{upgrade}, ver::ver, xargs::*};
use std::{env, process::exit, process::Command};
fn main() {
@ -18,11 +18,14 @@ fn main() {
match oper.as_str() {
"-S" | "-Sn" | "ins" => {
inssort(noconfirm, pkgs);
inssort(noconfirm, false, pkgs);
"-R" | "-Rn" | "-Rsn" | "-Rs" | "rm" => {
"-R" | "-Rn" | "rm" => {
uninstall(noconfirm, pkgs);
"-Rs" | "-Rsn" | "purge" => {
purge(noconfirm, pkgs)
"-Syu" | "-Syun" |"upg" => {

@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ pub mod update;
pub mod upgrade;
pub mod ver;
pub mod xargs;
pub mod purge;

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ fn uninstall_make_depend(pkg: &str) {
succ(format!("Succesfully installed {}", pkg));
pub fn clone(noconfirm: bool, pkg: &str) {
pub fn clone(noconfirm: bool, as_dep: bool, pkg: &str) {
let cachedir = format!("{}/.cache/ame", std::env::var("HOME").unwrap());
let path = Path::new(&cachedir);
let pkgdir = format!("{}/{}", &cachedir, &pkg);
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ pub fn clone(noconfirm: bool, pkg: &str) {
sec(format!("Installing AUR package depends"));
inssort(noconfirm, package[0].depends.clone());
inssort(noconfirm, true, package[0].depends.clone());
let clone = Repository::clone(&url, Path::new(&pkgdir));
match clone {
@ -82,58 +82,80 @@ pub fn clone(noconfirm: bool, pkg: &str) {
Err(_) => err_unrec(format!("Failed cloning {} into package directory", pkg)),
if as_dep == false {
if noconfirm == false {
let pkgbuild = prompt(format!("View PKGBUILD?"));
if noconfirm == false {
let pkgbuild = prompt(format!("View PKGBUILD?"));
if pkgbuild == true {
let mut pkgbld = fs::read_to_string(format!("{}/PKGBUILD", &pkgdir)).unwrap();
Moins::run(&mut pkgbld, None);
if pkgbuild == true {
let mut pkgbld = fs::read_to_string(format!("{}/PKGBUILD", &pkgdir)).unwrap();
Moins::run(&mut pkgbld, None);
if noconfirm == true {
sec(format!("Installing {} ...", pkg));
let install_result = Command::new("makepkg")
match install_result {
Ok(_) => {
let add_pkg_res = add_pkg(false, pkg);
match add_pkg_res {
Ok(_) => inf(format!("Added package {} to database", pkg)),
Err(_) => err_unrec(format!("Couldn't add package {} to database", pkg)),
if noconfirm == true {
sec(format!("Installing {} ...", pkg));
let install_result = Command::new("makepkg")
match install_result {
Ok(_) => {
let add_pkg_res = add_pkg(false, pkg);
match add_pkg_res {
Ok(_) => inf(format!("Added package {} to database", pkg)),
Err(_) => err_unrec(format!("Couldn't add package {} to database", pkg)),
Err(_) => {
err_unrec(format!("Couldn't install {}", pkg));
Err(_) => {
err_unrec(format!("Couldn't install {}", pkg));
} else {
sec(format!("Installing {} ...", pkg));
let install_result = Command::new("makepkg")
.expect("Couldn't call makepkg");
match install_result.code() {
Some(0) => {
let add_pkg_res = add_pkg(false, pkg);
match add_pkg_res {
Ok(_) => inf(format!("Added package {} to database", pkg)),
Err(_) => err_unrec(format!("Couldn't add package {} to database", pkg)),
Some(_) => {
err_unrec(format!("Couldn't install {}", pkg));
None => {
err_unrec(format!("Couldn't install {}", pkg));
} else {
sec(format!("Installing {} ...", pkg));
let install_result = Command::new("makepkg")
.expect("Couldn't call makepkg");
match install_result.code() {
Some(0) => {
let add_pkg_res = add_pkg(false, pkg);
match add_pkg_res {
Ok(_) => inf(format!("Added package {} to database", pkg)),
Err(_) => err_unrec(format!("Couldn't add package {} to database", pkg)),
let install_result = Command::new("makepkg")
match install_result {
Ok(_) => {
let add_pkg_res = add_pkg(false, pkg);
match add_pkg_res {
Ok(_) => inf(format!("Added package {} to database", pkg)),
Err(_) => err_unrec(format!("Couldn't add package {} to database", pkg)),
Some(_) => {
err_unrec(format!("Couldn't install {}", pkg));
None => {
err_unrec(format!("Couldn't install {}", pkg));
Err(_) => {
err_unrec(format!("Couldn't install {}", pkg));

@ -4,6 +4,74 @@ use std::io::{Error, Write};
use toml_edit::{value, Document};
use crate::mods::strs::{err_rec};
pub fn get_value(pkg: &str, sear_value: &str) -> String {
let homepath = std::env::var("HOME").unwrap();
let file = format!("{}/.local/ame/aurPkgs.db", std::env::var("HOME").unwrap());
let mut database = String::new();
match std::path::Path::new(&file).exists() {
true => {
database = std::fs::read_to_string(&file).expect("Can't Open Database");
false => {
let _cdar = std::fs::create_dir_all(format!("/{}/.local/ame/",homepath));
match _cdar {
Ok(_) => {
inf(format!("Created path for database (previously missing)"))
Err(_) => {
err_unrec(format!("Couldn't create path for database (~/.local/ame)"))
err_rec(String::from("Datbase wasn't found, creating new one"));
let _dbfile = std::fs::File::create(&file);
match _dbfile {
Ok(_) => {
inf(format!("Created empty database (previously missing)"))
Err(_) => {
err_unrec(format!("Couldn't create database"))
let db_parsed = database.parse::<toml::Value>().expect("Invalid Database");
let mut return_val = String::new();
for entry in db_parsed.as_table() {
for (key, value) in &*entry {
if key.contains(pkg) {
let results = raur::search(format!("{}",key));
for res in results {
match sear_value {
"name" => {
return_val = value
.replace("name", "")
.replace("version", "")
.replace(" = ", "")
.replace("\"", "")
.replace(format!("{}", &res[0].version.to_string()).as_str(), "");
"version" => {
return_val = value
.replace("name", "")
.replace("version", "")
.replace(" = ", "")
.replace("\"", "")
.replace(format!("{}", &res[0].name.to_string()).as_str(), "");
_ => {
return return_val;
pub fn rem_pkg(pkgs: &Vec<String>) {
let homepath = std::env::var("HOME").unwrap();
let file = format!("{}/.local/ame/aurPkgs.db", std::env::var("HOME").unwrap());
@ -91,10 +159,10 @@ pub fn add_pkg(from_repo: bool, pkg: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
if from_repo == false {
let results = raur::search(&pkg);
for res in &results {
for r in res {
db_parsed[&]["name"] = value(&;
db_parsed[&]["version"] = value(&r.version);
//for r in res {
db_parsed[&res[0].name]["name"] = value(&res[0].name);
db_parsed[&res[0].name]["version"] = value(&res[0].version);
} else {
db_parsed[&pkg]["name"] = value(pkg);

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use crate::{clone, err_unrec, install, mods::strs::sec};
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
pub fn inssort(noconfirm: bool, pkgs: Vec<String>) {
pub fn inssort(noconfirm: bool, as_dep: bool, pkgs: Vec<String>) {
let mut repo = vec![];
let mut aur = vec![];
let re = regex::Regex::new(r"(\S+)((?:>=|<=)\S+$)").unwrap();
@ -42,13 +42,25 @@ pub fn inssort(noconfirm: bool, pkgs: Vec<String>) {
if repo.len() != 0 {
sec(format!("Installing repo packages: {}", &repo.join(", ")));
install(noconfirm, &repo.join(" "));
if as_dep == false {
if repo.len() != 0 {
sec(format!("Installing repo packages: {}", &repo.join(", ")));
install(noconfirm, false, &repo.join(" "));
for a in aur {
sec(format!("Couldn't find {} in repos. Searching AUR", a));
clone(noconfirm, false, &a);
} else {
if repo.len() != 0 {
sec(format!("Installing repo packages: {}", &repo.join(", ")));
install(noconfirm, true,&repo.join(" "));
for a in aur {
sec(format!("Couldn't find {} in repos. Searching AUR", a));
clone(noconfirm, &a);
for a in aur {
sec(format!("Couldn't find {} in repos. Searching AUR", a));
clone(noconfirm, true, &a);

@ -1,25 +1,41 @@
use crate::mods::strs::{err_unrec, succ};
use runas::Command;
pub fn install(noconfirm: bool, pkg: &str) {
pub fn install(noconfirm: bool, as_dep: bool, pkg: &str) {
let pkgs: Vec<&str> = pkg.split(" ").collect();
if noconfirm == true {
let result = Command::new("pacman")
.expect("Couldn't call pacman");
match result.code() {
Some(0) => succ(format!("Succesfully installed packages: {}", pkg)),
Some(_) => err_unrec(format!("Couldn't install packages: {}", pkg)),
None => err_unrec(format!("Couldn't install packages: {}", pkg)),
if as_dep == false {
if noconfirm == true {
let result = Command::new("pacman")
.expect("Couldn't call pacman");
match result.code() {
Some(0) => succ(format!("Succesfully installed packages: {}", pkg)),
Some(_) => err_unrec(format!("Couldn't install packages: {}", pkg)),
None => err_unrec(format!("Couldn't install packages: {}", pkg)),
} else {
let result = Command::new("pacman")
.expect("Couldn't call pacman");
match result.code() {
Some(0) => succ(format!("Succesfully installed packages: {}", pkg)),
Some(_) => err_unrec(format!("Couldn't install packages: {}", pkg)),
None => err_unrec(format!("Couldn't install packages: {}", pkg)),
} else {
let result = Command::new("pacman")
.expect("Couldn't call pacman");

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
use crate::mods::{
strs::{err_rec, err_unrec, sec, succ},
use runas::Command;
use std::{fs, path::Path};
pub fn purge(noconfirm: bool, pkgs: Vec<String>) {
"Attempting to uninstall packages: {}",
&pkgs.join(" ")
if noconfirm == true {
let result = Command::new("pacman")
.expect("Couldn't call pacman");
match result.code() {
Some(0) => {
"Succesfully uninstalled packages: {}",
&pkgs.join(" ")
Some(_) => err_rec(format!("Couldn't uninstall packages: {}", &pkgs.join(" "))),
None => err_rec(format!("Couldn't uninstall packages: {}", &pkgs.join(" "))),
} else {
let result = Command::new("pacman")
.expect("Couldn't call pacman");
match result.code() {
Some(0) => {
"Succesfully uninstalled packages: {}",
&pkgs.join(" ")
Some(_) => err_rec(format!("Couldn't uninstall packages: {}", &pkgs.join(" "))),
None => err_rec(format!("Couldn't uninstall packages: {}", &pkgs.join(" "))),
for pkg in &pkgs {
let pkgdir = format!("{}/.cache/ame/{}", std::env::var("HOME").unwrap(), pkg);
let path = Path::new(&pkgdir);
if path.is_dir() {
let rm_result = fs::remove_dir_all(&path);
match rm_result {
Ok(_) => succ(format!("Removed AUR cache directory for {}", pkg)),
Err(_) => err_unrec(format!("Failed to remove AUR cache directory for {}", pkg)),

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ pub fn uninstall(noconfirm: bool, pkgs: Vec<String>) {
if noconfirm == true {
let result = Command::new("pacman")
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ pub fn uninstall(noconfirm: bool, pkgs: Vec<String>) {
} else {
let result = Command::new("pacman")
.expect("Couldn't call pacman");

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use crate::{
err_rec, err_unrec, inf, inssort, mods::strs::prompt, mods::strs::sec, mods::strs::succ, uninstall,
err_rec, err_unrec, inf, inssort, mods::strs::prompt, mods::strs::sec, mods::strs::succ, uninstall, mods::database::get_value,
use git2::Repository;
use runas::Command;
@ -78,29 +78,13 @@ pub fn upgrade(noconfirm: bool) {
println!("{:?}", db_parsed);
for entry in db_parsed.as_table() {
for (key, value) in &*entry {
for (key, _value) in &*entry {
let results = raur::search(format!("{}", key));
for res in results {
println!("{}", &res[0].name);
let url = format!("{}.git", key);
let package = raur::info(&[key]).unwrap();
let version = value
.replace("name", "")
.replace("version", "")
.replace(" = ", "")
.replace("\"", "")
.replace(format!("{}", &res[0].name.to_string()).as_str(), "");
let name = value
.replace("name", "")
.replace("version", "")
.replace(" = ", "")
.replace("\"", "")
.replace(format!("{}", &res[0].version.to_string()).as_str(), "");
println!("{} / {}", name, version);
let version = get_value(&key, "version");
if res[0].version.contains(&version) {
let keydir = format!("{}{}", &cachedir, &key);
if std::path::Path::new(&keydir).is_dir() {
@ -109,7 +93,7 @@ pub fn upgrade(noconfirm: bool) {
Ok(_) => inf(format!("Entered package directory")),
Err(_) => err_unrec(format!("Could not enter package directory")),
inssort(true, package[0].depends.clone());
inssort(true, true,package[0].depends.clone());
sec(format!("Installing {} ...", &key));
let install_result = std::process::Command::new("makepkg")
@ -174,7 +158,7 @@ pub fn upgrade(noconfirm: bool) {
Err(_) => err_unrec(format!("Could not enter package directory")),
inssort(true, package[0].depends.clone());
inssort(true, true, package[0].depends.clone());
let clone = Repository::clone(&url, Path::new(&keydir));
match clone {
@ -219,12 +203,7 @@ pub fn upgrade(noconfirm: bool) {
} else {
println!("not upgrading!");
if std::path::Path::new(&format!("{}{}", &cachedir, &key)).is_dir() {
println!("not cloning");
} else {
inf(format!("Package {} already up to date", &key));
