use std::process::{exit, Command}; use std::{env, io, process}; use clap::{App, AppSettings, Arg, ArgMatches, ArgSettings, Shell, SubCommand}; use crate::internal::{crash, info, init, log, sort, structs::Options}; #[global_allocator] static GLOBAL: mimalloc::MiMalloc = mimalloc::MiMalloc; mod database; mod internal; mod operations; fn main() { extern "C" { fn geteuid() -> u32; } if unsafe { geteuid() } == 0 { crash("Running amethyst as root is disallowed as it can lead to system breakage. Instead, amethyst will prompt you when it needs superuser permissions".to_string(), 1); } fn build_app() -> App<'static, 'static> { let app = App::new("Amethyst") .version(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")) .about(env!("CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION")) .arg( Arg::with_name("verbose") .short("v") .long("verbose") .multiple(true) .set(ArgSettings::Global) .help("Sets the level of verbosity"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("noconfirm") .long("noconfirm") .set(ArgSettings::Global) .help("Complete operation without prompting user"), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("install") .about( "Installs a package from either the AUR or the PacMan-defined repositories", ) .aliases(&["-S", "ins"]) .arg( Arg::with_name("package(s)") .help("The name of the package(s) to install") .required(true) .multiple(true) .index(1), ), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("remove") .about("Removes a previously installed package") .aliases(&["-R", "-Rs", "rm"]) .arg( Arg::with_name("package(s)") .help("The name of the package(s) to remove") .required(true) .multiple(true) .index(1), ), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("search") .about("Searches for the relevant packages in both the AUR and repos") .aliases(&["-Ss", "sea"]) .arg( Arg::with_name("aur") .short("a") .long("aur") .help("Search only the AUR for the package"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("repo") .short("r") .long("repo") .help("Searches only local repos for the package"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("package(s)") .help("The name of the package to search for") .required(true) .multiple(false) .index(1), ), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("query") .about("Queries installed packages") .aliases(&["-Q", "ls"]) .arg( Arg::with_name("aur") .short("a") .help("Lists AUR/foreign packages"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("repo") .short("r") .help("Lists repo/native packages"), ), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("upgrade") .about("Upgrades locally installed packages to their latest versions") .aliases(&["-Syu", "upg"]), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("compgen") .about("Generates shell completions for given shell (bash by default)") .aliases(&["-G", "cg"]) .arg( Arg::with_name("shell") .help("The name of the shell you want to generate completions for") .possible_values(&["bash", "fish", "zsh", "pwsh", "elvish"]) .required(true), ), ) .settings(&[ AppSettings::GlobalVersion, AppSettings::VersionlessSubcommands, AppSettings::ArgRequiredElseHelp, AppSettings::InferSubcommands, ]); app } let matches = build_app().get_matches(); let verbosity: i32 = matches.occurrences_of("verbose") as i32; let noconfirm: bool = matches.is_present("noconfirm"); let options = Options { verbosity, noconfirm, asdeps: false, }; init(options); fn collect_matches(a: &ArgMatches) -> Vec { a.subcommand() .1 .unwrap() .values_of("package(s)") .unwrap() .into_iter() .map(|s| s.to_string()) .collect() } if let true = matches.is_present("install") { let packages = collect_matches(&matches); let sorted = sort(&packages, options); info(format!( "Attempting to install packages: {}", packages.join(", ") )); if !sorted.repo.is_empty() { operations::install(sorted.repo, options); } if !sorted.aur.is_empty() { operations::aur_install(sorted.aur, options); } if ! { log(format!( "Couldn't find packages: {} in repos or the AUR",", ") )); } let out = process::Command::new("bash") .args(&["-c", "sudo find /etc -name *.pacnew"]) .output() .expect("Something has gone wrong") .stdout; if !String::from_utf8((*out).to_owned()).unwrap().is_empty() { info(format!("You have .pacnew files in /etc ({}) that you haven't removed or acted upon, it is recommended you do that now", String::from_utf8((*out).to_owned()).unwrap().split_whitespace().collect::>().join(", "))); } exit(0); } if let true = matches.is_present("remove") { let packages = collect_matches(&matches); info(format!("Uninstalling packages: {}", &packages.join(", "))); operations::uninstall(packages, options); exit(0); } if let true = matches.is_present("upgrade") { info("Performing system upgrade".to_string()); operations::upgrade(options); exit(0); } if let true = matches.is_present("search") { let packages = collect_matches(&matches); if matches .subcommand_matches("search") .unwrap() .is_present("aur") { info(format!("Searching AUR for {}", &packages[0])); operations::aur_search(&packages[0], options); } if matches .subcommand_matches("search") .unwrap() .is_present("repo") { info(format!("Searching repos for {}", &packages[0])); operations::search(&packages[0], options); } if !matches .subcommand_matches("search") .unwrap() .is_present("repo") && !matches .subcommand_matches("search") .unwrap() .is_present("aur") { info(format!("Searching AUR and repos for {}", &packages[0])); operations::search(&packages[0], options); operations::aur_search(&packages[0], options); } exit(0); } if let true = matches.is_present("query") { if matches .subcommand_matches("query") .unwrap() .is_present("aur") { Command::new("pacman") .arg("-Qm") .spawn() .expect("Something has gone wrong") .wait() .unwrap(); } if matches .subcommand_matches("query") .unwrap() .is_present("repo") { Command::new("pacman") .arg("-Qn") .spawn() .expect("Something has gone wrong") .wait() .unwrap(); } if !matches .subcommand_matches("query") .unwrap() .is_present("aur") && !matches .subcommand_matches("query") .unwrap() .is_present("repo") { Command::new("pacman") .arg("-Qn") .spawn() .expect("Something has gone wrong") .wait() .unwrap(); Command::new("pacman") .arg("-Qm") .spawn() .expect("Something has gone wrong") .wait() .unwrap(); } exit(0); } if let true = &matches.is_present("compgen") { let mut app = build_app(); match matches .subcommand_matches("compgen") .unwrap() .value_of("shell") .unwrap() { "bash" => { app.gen_completions_to("ame", Shell::Bash, &mut io::stdout()); } "fish" => { app.gen_completions_to("ame", Shell::Fish, &mut io::stdout()); } "zsh" => { app.gen_completions_to("ame", Shell::Zsh, &mut io::stdout()); } "pwsh" => { app.gen_completions_to("ame", Shell::PowerShell, &mut io::stdout()); } "elvish" => { app.gen_completions_to("ame", Shell::Elvish, &mut io::stdout()); } _ => {} } } }