use std::env; use std::env::set_current_dir; use std::fs::remove_dir_all; use std::path::Path; use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; use crate::{info, log, Options}; use crate::internal::{crash, prompt}; use crate::internal::rpc::rpcinfo; pub fn aur_install(a: Vec, options: Options) { let url = crate::internal::rpc::URL; let cachedir = format!("{}/.cache/ame/", env::var("HOME").unwrap()); let verbosity = options.verbosity; let noconfirm = options.noconfirm; if verbosity >= 1 { log(format!("Installing from AUR: {:?}", &a)); } info(format!("Installing packages {} from the AUR", a.join(", "))); for package in a { let rpcres = rpcinfo(package); if !rpcres.found { break; } let pkg = &rpcres.package.as_ref().unwrap().name; if verbosity >= 1 { log(format!("Cloning {} into cachedir", pkg)); } info("Cloning package source".to_string()); set_current_dir(Path::new(&cachedir)).unwrap(); Command::new("git") .arg("clone") .arg(format!("{}/{}", url, pkg)) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .status() .expect("Something has gone wrong"); if verbosity >= 1 { log(format!( "Cloned {} into cachedir, moving on to resolving dependencies", pkg )); log(format!( "Raw dependencies for package {} are:\n{:?}", pkg, rpcres.package.as_ref().unwrap().depends.join(", ") )); } // dep sorting info("Sorting dependencies".to_string()); let sorted = crate::internal::sort(&rpcres.package.as_ref().unwrap().depends, options); if verbosity >= 1 { log(format!( "Sorted dependencies for {} are:\n{:?}", pkg, &sorted )); } let newopts = Options { verbosity, noconfirm, asdeps: true, }; if ! { crash( format!( "Could not find dependencies {} for package {}, aborting",", "), pkg ), 5, ); } if !noconfirm { let p1 = prompt( format!("Would you like to review {}'s PKGBUILD?", pkg), false, ); let editor = env::var("PAGER").unwrap_or_else(|_| "less".parse().unwrap()); if p1 { Command::new(editor) .arg(format!("{}/PKGBUILD", pkg)) .spawn() .unwrap() .wait() .unwrap(); let p2 = prompt(format!("Would you still like to install {}?", pkg), true); if !p2 { crash("Not proceeding".to_string(), 6); } } } // dep installing info("Moving on to install dependencies".to_string()); if !sorted.repo.is_empty() { crate::operations::install(sorted.repo, newopts); } if !sorted.aur.is_empty() { crate::operations::aur_install(sorted.aur, newopts); } let mut makepkg_args = vec!["-rsic", "--needed"]; if options.asdeps { makepkg_args.push("--asdeps") } if options.noconfirm { makepkg_args.push("--noconfirm") } // package building and installing info("Building time!".to_string()); set_current_dir(format!("{}/{}", cachedir, pkg)).unwrap(); let out = Command::new("makepkg") .args(&makepkg_args) .status() .expect("Something has gone wrong"); if out.code() != Some(0) { crash( format!("Error encountered while installing {}, aborting", pkg), 7, ); } set_current_dir(&cachedir).unwrap(); remove_dir_all(format!("{}/{}", cachedir, &pkg)).unwrap(); // pushes package to database crate::database::add(rpcres.package.unwrap(), options); } }