mod mods; use mods::{clearcache::{clearcache}, clone::clone, help::help, inssort::{inssort, inssort_from_file}, install::install, purge::{purge, purge_from_file}, search::{a_search, r_search}, strs::err_rec, strs::err_unrec, strs::inf, uninstall::{uninstall, uninstall_from_file}, update::{update}, upgrade::{upgrade}, ver::ver, xargs::*}; use std::{env, process::exit, process::Command}; use nix::unistd::Uid; fn main() { if Uid::effective().is_root() { // check if user runs ame as root err_unrec(format!("Do not run ame as root! this can cause serious damage to your system!")); } let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); let mut pkgs: Vec = env::args().skip(2).collect(); if args.len() <= 1 { help(); exit(1); } let oper = &args[1]; let noconfirm: bool = noconf(&args); argssort(&mut pkgs); match oper.as_str() { // match oper "-S" | "-Sn" | "ins" => { inssort(noconfirm, false, pkgs); // install } "-Sl" | "-Sln" | "insl" => { inssort_from_file(noconfirm, false, &pkgs[0]); // install from file } "-R" | "-Rn" | "rm" => { uninstall(noconfirm, pkgs); // uninstall } "-Rs" | "-Rsn" | "purge" => { purge(noconfirm, pkgs); // purge } "-Rl" | "-Rln" | "rml" => { uninstall_from_file(noconfirm, &pkgs[0]); // uninstall from file } "-Rsl" | "-Rsln" | "purgel" => { purge_from_file(noconfirm, &pkgs[0]); // purge from file } "-Syu" | "-Syun" |"upg" => { upgrade(noconfirm); // upgrade } "-Sy" | "upd" => { update(); // update } "-Ss" | "sea" => { r_search(&args[2]); // search for packages in the repository a_search(&args[2]); // search for packages in the aur } "-Sa" | "aursea" => { a_search(&args[2]); // search for packages in the aur } "-Sr" | "repsea" => { r_search(&args[2]); // search for packages in the repository } "-Cc" | "clr" => { clearcache(); // clear cache } "-v" | "-V" | "ver" => { ver(); // version } "-h" | "help" => { help(); // help } _ => { // if oper is not valid it either passes the args to pacman or prints an error let pass = Command::new("pacman") .args(env::args().skip(1)) .status() .expect("Something has gone wrong."); match pass.code() { Some(1) => { err_rec(format!("No such operation \"{}\"", args.join(" "))); inf(format!( "Try running \"ame help\" for an overview of how to use ame" )) } Some(_) => {} None => err_unrec(format!("Something has gone terribly wrong.")), } } } }