use args::Args; use clap::Parser; use internal::commands::ShellCommand; use internal::error::SilentUnwrap; use crate::args::{InstallArgs, Operation, QueryArgs, RemoveArgs, SearchArgs}; use crate::internal::detect; use crate::internal::exit_code::AppExitCode; use crate::internal::{init, sort, start_sudoloop, structs::Options}; use std::str::FromStr; use tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::FmtSpan; use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter; #[global_allocator] static GLOBAL: mimalloc::MiMalloc = mimalloc::MiMalloc; mod args; mod internal; mod operations; mod wrapper; #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn main() { if unsafe { libc::geteuid() } == 0 { crash!( AppExitCode::RunAsRoot, "Running amethyst as root is disallowed as it can lead to system breakage. Instead, amethyst will prompt you when it needs superuser permissions"); } init_logger(); let args: Args = Args::parse(); let verbosity = args.verbose as i32; let noconfirm = args.no_confirm; let options = Options { verbosity, noconfirm, asdeps: false, }; init(options); if args.sudoloop { start_sudoloop().await; } match args.subcommand.unwrap_or_default() { Operation::Install(install_args) => cmd_install(install_args, options).await, Operation::Remove(remove_args) => cmd_remove(remove_args, options).await, Operation::Search(search_args) => cmd_search(search_args, options).await, Operation::Query(query_args) => cmd_query(query_args).await, Operation::Upgrade => { info!("Performing system upgrade"); operations::upgrade(options).await; } Operation::Clean => { info!("Removing orphaned packages"); operations::clean(options).await; } } detect().await; } /// Initializes the tracing logger /// Can be used for debug purposes _or_ verbose output fn init_logger() { const DEFAULT_ENV_FILTER: &str = "warn"; let filter_string = std::env::var("AME_LOG").unwrap_or_else(|_| DEFAULT_ENV_FILTER.to_string()); let env_filter = EnvFilter::from_str(&*filter_string).expect("failed to parse env filter string"); tracing_subscriber::fmt::SubscriberBuilder::default() .with_env_filter(env_filter) .with_writer(std::io::stdout) .with_span_events(FmtSpan::NEW | FmtSpan::CLOSE) .compact() .init(); } async fn cmd_install(args: InstallArgs, options: Options) { let packages = args.packages; let sorted = sort(&packages, options).await; info!("Attempting to install packages: {}", packages.join(", ")); if !sorted.repo.is_empty() { operations::install(sorted.repo, options).await; } if !sorted.aur.is_empty() { operations::aur_install(sorted.aur, options).await; } if ! { crash!( AppExitCode::PacmanError, "Couldn't find packages: {} in repos or the AUR",", ") ); } let bash_output = ShellCommand::bash() .arg("-c") .arg("sudo find /etc -name *.pacnew") .wait_with_output() .await .silent_unwrap(AppExitCode::Other) .stdout; if !bash_output.is_empty() { let pacnew_files = bash_output .split_whitespace() .collect::>() .join(", "); info!("You have .pacnew files in /etc ({pacnew_files}) that you haven't removed or acted upon, it is recommended you do that now" ); } } async fn cmd_remove(args: RemoveArgs, options: Options) { let packages = args.packages; info!("Uninstalling packages: {}", &packages.join(", ")); operations::uninstall(packages, options).await; } async fn cmd_search(args: SearchArgs, options: Options) { let query_string =" "); if args.aur { info!("Searching AUR for {}", &query_string); operations::aur_search(&query_string, options).await; } if args.repo { info!("Searching repos for {}", &query_string); operations::search(&query_string, options).await; } if !args.aur && !args.repo { info!("Searching AUR and repos for {}", &query_string); operations::search(&query_string, options).await; operations::aur_search(&query_string, options).await; } } async fn cmd_query(args: QueryArgs) { if args.aur { ShellCommand::pacman() .arg("-Qm") .wait_success() .await .silent_unwrap(AppExitCode::PacmanError); } if args.repo { ShellCommand::pacman() .arg("-Qn") .wait_success() .await .silent_unwrap(AppExitCode::PacmanError); } if !args.repo && !args.aur { ShellCommand::pacman() .arg("-Qn") .wait_success() .await .silent_unwrap(AppExitCode::PacmanError); ShellCommand::pacman() .arg("-Qm") .wait_success() .await .silent_unwrap(AppExitCode::PacmanError); } }