use chrono::{Local, TimeZone}; use colored::Colorize; use textwrap::wrap; use crate::internal::commands::ShellCommand; use crate::internal::error::SilentUnwrap; use crate::internal::exit_code::AppExitCode; use crate::internal::rpc::rpcsearch; use crate::{log, Options}; #[allow(clippy::module_name_repetitions)] /// Searches for packages from the AUR and returns wrapped results pub fn aur_search(query: &str, options: Options) -> String { // Query AUR for package info let res = rpcsearch(query); // Get verbosity let verbosity = options.verbosity; // Format output let mut results_vec = vec![]; for package in &res.results { // Define wrapping options let opts = textwrap::Options::new(crossterm::terminal::size().unwrap().0 as usize - 4) .subsequent_indent(" "); let result = format!( "{}{} {} {}\n {}", "aur/".cyan().bold(),,, if package.out_of_date.is_some() { format!( "[out of date: since {}]", Local .timestamp(package.out_of_date.unwrap().try_into().unwrap(), 0) .date_naive() ) .red() .bold() } else { "".bold() }, wrap( package .description .as_ref() .unwrap_or(&"No description".to_string()), opts, ) .join("\n"), ); results_vec.push(result); } if verbosity > 1 { log!( "Found {} results for \"{}\" in the AUR", res.results.len(), query ); } results_vec.join("\n") } struct SearchResult { repo: String, name: String, version: String, description: String, } #[allow(clippy::module_name_repetitions)] /// Searches for packages from the repos and returns wrapped results pub fn repo_search(query: &str, options: Options) -> String { // Initialise variables let verbosity = options.verbosity; // Query pacman for package info let output = ShellCommand::bash() .args(&["-c", &format!("expac -Ss '%r\\\\%n\\\\%v\\\\%d' {}", query)]) .arg(query) .wait_with_output() .silent_unwrap(AppExitCode::PacmanError) .stdout; // Split output into lines let lines = output.trim().split('\n'); // Initialise results vector let mut results_vec: Vec = vec![]; let clone = lines.clone().collect::>(); if clone.len() == 1 && clone[0] == "" { // If no results, return empty string return "".to_string(); } // Iterate over lines for line in lines { let parts: Vec<&str> = line.split('\\').collect(); let res = SearchResult { repo: parts[0].to_string(), name: parts[1].to_string(), version: parts[2].to_string(), description: parts[3].to_string(), }; results_vec.push(res); } if verbosity >= 1 { log!( "Found {} results for \"{}\" in repos", &results_vec.len(), &query ); } // Format output let results_vec = results_vec .into_iter() .map(|res| { let opts = textwrap::Options::new(crossterm::terminal::size().unwrap().0 as usize - 4) .subsequent_indent(" "); format!( "{}{}{} {}\n {}", res.repo.purple().bold(), "/".purple().bold(),,, if res.description.is_empty() { "No description".to_string() } else { wrap(&res.description, opts).join("\n") }, ) }) .collect::>(); if output.trim().is_empty() { "".to_string() } else { results_vec.join("\n") } }