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run-as-root = Running Amethyst as root is disallowed as it can lead to system breakage. Instead, Amethyst will prompt you when it needs superuser permissions.
following-packages = The following packages were found in the AUR:
aur-warning =
The AUR is a source of user-submitted packages/scripts and isn't always safe to use.
Please make sure to review the PKGBUILD of anything you download from the AUR before installing it, as some PKGBUILDs may potentially be malicious.
This warning can be toggled in the configuration file.
are-you-sure = Are you sure that you want to continue?
exiting = Exiting
uninstalling-packages = Uninstalling packages: {$packages}
system-upgrade = Performing system upgrade
removing-orphans = Removing orphaned packages
couldnt-find-packages = Couldn't find packages: {$packages} in repos or the AUR
searching-repos = Searching repos for {$query}
searching-aur = Searching AUR for {$query}
no-results = No results found
results = Results:
installed-repo-packages = Installed Repo Packages:
installed-aur-packages = Installed AUR Packages:
installed-packages = Installed Packages:
invalid-shell = Invalid shell, {$shell}
zsh-error = Zsh shell completions are currently unsupported due to a bug in the clap_completion crate