You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

262 lines
7.3 KiB

use crossterm::style::Stylize;
use dialoguer::theme::Theme;
use fuzzy_matcher::{skim::SkimMatcherV2, FuzzyMatcher};
use crate::internal::utils::wrap_text;
const ERR_SYMBOL: &str = "X";
const PROMPT_SYMBOL: &str = "?";
pub struct AmeTheme;
impl AmeTheme {
pub fn get() -> &'static Self {
static AME_THEME: AmeTheme = AmeTheme;
impl Theme for AmeTheme {
fn format_prompt(&self, f: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write, prompt: &str) -> std::fmt::Result {
let prompt = wrap_text(prompt, 4).join("\n");
write!(f, "{} {}:", PROMPT_SYMBOL.magenta(), prompt.bold())
fn format_error(&self, f: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write, err: &str) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{} error: {}",, err)
fn format_confirm_prompt(
f: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write,
prompt: &str,
default: Option<bool>,
) -> std::fmt::Result {
let prompt = wrap_text(prompt, 4).join("\n");
if !prompt.is_empty() {
write!(f, "{} {} ", PROMPT_SYMBOL.magenta(), &prompt.bold())?;
match default {
None => write!(f, "[y/n] ")?,
Some(true) => write!(f, "[{}/n] ", "Y".bold())?,
Some(false) => write!(f, "[y/{}] ", "N".bold())?,
fn format_confirm_prompt_selection(
f: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write,
prompt: &str,
selection: Option<bool>,
) -> std::fmt::Result {
let prompt = wrap_text(prompt, 4).join("\n");
let selection =|b| if b { "yes" } else { "no" });
match selection {
Some(selection) if prompt.is_empty() => {
write!(f, "{}", selection.italic())
Some(selection) => {
write!(f, "{} {}", &prompt.bold(), selection.italic())
None if prompt.is_empty() => Ok(()),
None => {
write!(f, "{}", &prompt.bold())
fn format_input_prompt(
f: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write,
prompt: &str,
default: Option<&str>,
) -> std::fmt::Result {
match default {
Some(default) if prompt.is_empty() => {
write!(f, "{} [{}]: ", PROMPT_SYMBOL.magenta(), default)
Some(default) => write!(
"{} {} [{}]: ",
None => write!(f, "{} {}: ", PROMPT_SYMBOL.magenta(), prompt.bold()),
fn format_input_prompt_selection(
f: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write,
prompt: &str,
sel: &str,
) -> std::fmt::Result {
"{} {}: {}",
fn format_password_prompt(
f: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write,
prompt: &str,
) -> std::fmt::Result {
self.format_input_prompt(f, prompt, None)
fn format_password_prompt_selection(
f: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write,
prompt: &str,
) -> std::fmt::Result {
self.format_input_prompt_selection(f, prompt, "[hidden]")
fn format_select_prompt(&self, f: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write, prompt: &str) -> std::fmt::Result {
self.format_prompt(f, prompt)
fn format_select_prompt_selection(
f: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write,
prompt: &str,
sel: &str,
) -> std::fmt::Result {
self.format_input_prompt_selection(f, prompt, sel)
fn format_multi_select_prompt(
f: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write,
prompt: &str,
) -> std::fmt::Result {
self.format_prompt(f, prompt)
fn format_sort_prompt(&self, f: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write, prompt: &str) -> std::fmt::Result {
self.format_prompt(f, prompt)
fn format_multi_select_prompt_selection(
f: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write,
prompt: &str,
selections: &[&str],
) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}: ", prompt.bold())?;
if selections.is_empty() {
write!(f, "{}", "No selections".italic())?;
} else {
for (idx, sel) in selections.iter().enumerate() {
write!(f, "{}{}", if idx == 0 { "" } else { ", " }, sel)?;
fn format_sort_prompt_selection(
f: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write,
prompt: &str,
selections: &[&str],
) -> std::fmt::Result {
self.format_multi_select_prompt_selection(f, prompt, selections)
fn format_select_prompt_item(
f: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write,
text: &str,
active: bool,
) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{} {}", if active { ">" } else { " " }, text)
fn format_multi_select_prompt_item(
f: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write,
text: &str,
checked: bool,
active: bool,
) -> std::fmt::Result {
let active_symbol = if active { ">" } else { " " };
let checked_symbol = if checked { "x" } else { " " }.magenta();
write!(f, "{active_symbol} [{checked_symbol}] {text}")
fn format_sort_prompt_item(
f: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write,
text: &str,
picked: bool,
active: bool,
) -> std::fmt::Result {
"{} {}",
match (picked, active) {
(true, true) => "> [x]",
(false, true) => "> [ ]",
(_, false) => " [ ]",
fn format_fuzzy_select_prompt(
f: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write,
prompt: &str,
search_term: &str,
cursor_pos: usize,
) -> std::fmt::Result {
if !prompt.is_empty() {
write!(f, "{} {} ", PROMPT_SYMBOL.magenta(), prompt.bold())?;
if cursor_pos < search_term.len() {
let st_head = search_term[0..cursor_pos].to_string();
let st_tail = search_term[cursor_pos..search_term.len()].to_string();
let st_cursor = "|".to_string();
write!(f, "{}{}{}", st_head, st_cursor, st_tail)
} else {
let cursor = "|".to_string();
write!(f, "{}{}", search_term, cursor)
fn format_fuzzy_select_prompt_item(
f: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write,
text: &str,
active: bool,
highlight_matches: bool,
matcher: &SkimMatcherV2,
search_term: &str,
) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{} ", if active { ">" } else { " " }.magenta().bold())?;
if highlight_matches {
if let Some((_score, indices)) = matcher.fuzzy_indices(text, search_term) {
for (idx, c) in text.chars().into_iter().enumerate() {
if indices.contains(&idx) {
write!(f, "{}", c.bold())?;
} else {
write!(f, "{}", c)?;
return Ok(());
write!(f, "{}", text)