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use std::fs;
use std::path::Path;
use std::process::exit;
use directories::ProjectDirs;
use crate::internal::exit_code::AppExitCode;
use crate::logging::get_logger;
use crate::logging::handler::PromptDefault;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
/// Macro for printing a message and destructively exiting
macro_rules! crash {
($exit_code:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => {
$crate::internal::utils::log_and_crash(format!($($arg)+), $exit_code)
/// Macro for prompting the user with a yes/no question.
macro_rules! prompt {
(default yes, $($arg:tt)+) => {
$crate::internal::utils::prompt_yn(format!($($arg)+), $crate::logging::handler::PromptDefault::Yes)
(default no, $($arg:tt)+) => {
$crate::internal::utils::prompt_yn(format!($($arg)+), $crate::logging::handler::PromptDefault::No)
(no default, $($arg:tt)+) => {
$crate::internal::utils::prompt_yn(format!($($arg)+), $crate::logging::handler::PromptDefault::None)
/// Logs a message and exits the program with the given exit code.
pub fn log_and_crash(msg: String, exit_code: AppExitCode) -> ! {
exit(exit_code as i32);
/// Prompts the user for a yes/no answer.
pub fn prompt_yn(question: String, prompt_default: PromptDefault) -> bool {
get_logger().prompt(question, prompt_default)
pub fn get_cache_dir() -> &'static Path {
let cache_dir = get_directories().cache_dir();
if !cache_dir.exists() {
fn get_directories() -> &'static ProjectDirs {
lazy_static! {
static ref DIRECTORIES: ProjectDirs = ProjectDirs::from("com", "crystal", "ame").unwrap();