import discord from discord.ext import commands from util_functions import * from global_config import configboi from server_config import serverconfig # Hopefully we'll never need logging here class Debug(commands.Cog): """Stuff that the developer couldn't find a better category for""" def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.confmgr = configboi("config.txt", False) self.sconf = serverconfig() @commands.command() async def resetgd(self, ctx): if == ctx.message.guild.owner_id: await ctx.send(":thumbsup:") @commands.command() async def checkcog(self, ctx, *, n): """check if cog is a thing""" try: if is not None: await ctx.send( embed=infmsg("Debug Tools", "Bot was able to find `" + n + "`") ) else: await ctx.send( embed=errmsg("Debug Tools", "Bot was not able to find `" + n + "`") ) except Exception as e: await ctx.send( embed=errmsg( "Debug Tools - ERROR", "Had error `" + str(e) + "` while checking cog `" + n + "`", ) ) @commands.command() async def restart(self, ctx): """Restart the bot (Mod. only)""" if in MOD_IDS: await ctx.send(embed=infmsg("Sad", "Ok, restarting")) if ctx.voice_client is not None: await ctx.voice_client.disconnect() await syslog.log( "Admin-Important", "Bot is restarting because " + + " requested we do so.", ) save("restarted.txt", str( await login(os.environ["bottoken"], bot=True) else: await ctx.send(embed=errmsg("Oops", wrongperms("restart"))) # TODO: Move to admin file? @commands.command() async def update(self, ctx): """Update bot from Git, and restart (Mod. only)""" if in MOD_IDS: await ctx.send(embed=infmsg("Updater", "Updating...")) syslog.log( "Admin-Important", "Bot is updating & restarting because " + + " requested we do so.", ) # are these being upset? pull_out = await run_command_shell("git pull -v") commit_msg = await run_command_shell( "git --no-pager log --decorate=short --pretty=oneline -n1" ) msg = ( "Changes:" + "\n```" + pull_out + "```\nCommit message:\n" + "```" + commit_msg + "```" ) await ctx.send(embed=infmsg("Updater", msg)) await run_command_shell("pip3 install --upgrade -r requirements.txt") await ctx.send(embed=infmsg("Updater", "Restarting")) if ctx.voice_client is not None: await ctx.voice_client.disconnect() await save("restarted.txt", str( await login(os.environ["bottoken"], bot=True) else: await ctx.send(embed=errmsg("Oops", wrongperms("update"))) @commands.command() async def chbranch(self, ctx, *, branch): """Switch bot's upstream to a given branch (Mod. only)""" if in MOD_IDS: await ctx.send(embed=infmsg("Updater", "Switching branch...")) syslog.log( "Admin-Important", "Bot is switching branch to " + branch + " because " + + " requested we do so.", ) await run_command_shell("git checkout " + branch) await ctx.send(embed=infmsg("Updater", "Done!")) else: await ctx.send(embed=errmsg("Oops", wrongperms("chbranch"))) @commands.command() async def gitstatus(self, ctx): """Show the output of git status""" commit_msg = await run_command_shell( "git --no-pager log --decorate=short --pretty=oneline -n1" ) await ctx.send(embed=infmsg("Git Status", "```" + commit_msg + "```")) @commands.command() async def purgesyslog(self, ctx): """Delete all existing syslogs (USE WITH CARE) (Owner only)""" if == OWNER: purged = await run_command_shell("rm system_log* -v") await ctx.send(embed=infmsg("Syslog Purger", "We purged:\n```" + purged + "```")) else: await ctx.send(embed=errmsg("Oops", wrongperms("purgesyslog"))) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Debug(bot))