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<h2 align="center"> Citrine </h2>
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<p align="center"> Command line CrystalUX installer </p>
## Usage:
As long as it's installed with PacMan, run with `sudo citrine`
## For non-crystal systems:
Why? You can *try* to build it with `makepkg`, but why?
(PKGBUILD is in the `crystalux-project/packages` repo)
## Requesting a WM/DE:
Request WM/DEs [here](https://github.com/crystalux-project/citrine/issues/1).
## Desktop Environments
| **DE** | **Usability** | **Note** |
| --- | --- | --- |
| **Budgie** | ✅ |
| **Cinnamon** | ✅ |
| **Cutefish** | ✅ | Not a complete DE!
| **Deepin** | ✅ |
| **Enlightenment** | ✅ |
| **Gnome** | ✅ |
| **KDE** | ✅ |
| **LXDE** | ✅ |
| **LXQt** | ✅ |
| **Mate** | ✅ |
| **UKUI** | ✅ |
| **XFCE** | ✅ |