@ -117,73 +117,39 @@ if [[ "$MANUAL" == "no" ]]; then
if [ [ " $EFI " = = "yes" ] ] ; then
parted ${ DISK } mklabel gpt --script
parted ${ DISK } mkpart fat32 0 300 --script
parted ${ DISK } mkpart btrfs 300 100% --script
parted ${ DISK } mkpart ext4 300 100% --script
inf " Partitioned ${ DISK } as an EFI volume "
parted ${ DISK } mklabel msdos --script
parted ${ DISK } mkpart primary btrfs 512MIB 100% --script
parted ${ DISK } mkpart primary ext4 1MIB 512MIB --script
parted ${ DISK } mkpart ext4 300 100% --script
inf " Partitioned ${ DISK } as an MBR volume "
if [ [ " $NVME " = = "yes" ] ] ; then
if [ [ " $EFI " = = "yes" ] ] ; then
inf " Initializing ${ DISK } as NVME EFI "
mkfs.vfat ${ DISK } p1
mkfs.btrfs -f ${ DISK } p2
mkfs.vfat -F32 ${ DISK } p1
mkfs.ext4 ${ DISK } p2
mount ${ DISK } p2 /mnt
cd /mnt
btrfs subvolume create @
btrfs subvolume create @home
cd /
umount /mnt
mount -o subvol = @ ${ DISK } p2 /mnt
mkdir -p /mnt/{ boot/efi,home}
mount -o subvol = @home ${ DISK } p2 /mnt/home
mkdir -p /mnt/boot/efi
mount ${ DISK } p1 /mnt/boot/efi
inf " Initializing ${ DISK } as NVME MBR "
mkfs.btrfs -f ${ DISK } p1
mkfs.ext4 ${ DISK } p1
mount ${ DISK } 1 /mnt
cd /mnt
btrfs subvolume create @
btrfs subvolume create @home
cd /
umount /mnt
mount -o noatime,subvol= @ ${ DISK } p1 /mnt
mkdir -p /mnt/{ home,boot}
mount -o noatime,subvol= @home ${ DISK } p1 /mnt/home
mount ${ DISK } p2 /mnt/boot
if [ [ " $EFI " = = "yes" ] ] ; then
inf " Initializing ${ DISK } as EFI "
mkfs.vfat -F32 ${ DISK } 1
mkfs.btrfs -f ${ DISK } 2
mkfs.ext4 ${ DISK } 2
mount ${ DISK } 2 /mnt
cd /mnt
btrfs subvolume create @
btrfs subvolume create @home
cd /
umount /mnt
mount -o subvol = @ ${ DISK } 2 /mnt
mkdir -p /mnt/{ boot/efi,home}
mount -o subvol = @home ${ DISK } 2 /mnt/home
mkdir -p /mnt/boot/efi
mount ${ DISK } 1 /mnt/boot/efi
inf " Initializing ${ DISK } as MBR "
mkfs.btrfs -f ${ DISK } 1
mkfs.ext4 ${ DISK } 2
mkfs.ext4 ${ DISK } 1
mount ${ DISK } 1 /mnt
cd /mnt
btrfs subvolume create @
btrfs subvolume create @home
cd /
umount /mnt
mount -o noatime,subvol= @ ${ DISK } 1 /mnt
mkdir -p /mnt/{ home,boot}
mount -o noatime,subvol= @home ${ DISK } 1 /mnt/home
mount ${ DISK } 2 /mnt/boot
@ -227,7 +193,7 @@ else
inf "Verifying network connection"
ping -c 1 ginp.archlinux.org
ping -c 1 google.com
if [ [ ! " $? " = = "0" ] ] ; then
dumptitle = "Error!"
@ -238,10 +204,10 @@ fi
inf "Setting up base Crystal System"
crystalstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware systemd-sysvcompat networkmanager man-db man-pages texinfo micro sudo curl archlinux-keyring neofetch btrfs-progs timeshift timeshift-autosnap which
crystalstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware systemd-sysvcompat networkmanager man-db man-pages texinfo micro sudo curl archlinux-keyring neofetch which
if [ [ ! " $? " = = "0" ] ] ; then
inf "CrystalStrap had some error. Retrying."
crystalstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware systemd-sysvcompat networkmanager man-db man-pages texinfo micro sudo curl archlinux-keyring neofetch btrfs-progs timeshift timeshift-autosnap which
crystalstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware systemd-sysvcompat networkmanager man-db man-pages texinfo micro sudo curl archlinux-keyring neofetch which
if [ [ " $EFI " = = "yes" ] ] ; then
@ -377,7 +343,7 @@ arch-chroot su - ${UN} -c "mkdir -p /mnt/home/${UN}/.local/share/"
while [ [ " $DE " = = "" ] ] ; do
menu = $( dialog --title "Citrine" --menu "Select the Desktop Environment you want to install" 12 100 4 "Official" "Our pre-themed desktop environments" "Third Party (supported)" "Third party Desktop Environments that are supported" "Third Party (unsupported)" "Third Party Desktop Environments that aren't supported" "None/DIY" "Install no de from this list" --stdout)
if [ [ " $menu " = = "Official" ] ] ; then
DE = $( dialog --title "Citrine" --menu "Please choose the DE you want to install" 12 100 "Onyx" "Our custom Desktop Environment based on XFCE "
DE = $( dialog --title "Citrine" --menu "Please choose the DE you want to install" 12 100 "Onyx" "Our custom Desktop Environment based on Budgie "
elif [ [ " $menu " = = "Third Party (supported)" ] ] ; then
DE = $( dialog --title "Citrine" --menu "Please choose the DE you want to install" 12 100 5 "Gnome" "The Gnome desktop environment" "KDE" "The KDE desktop environment" "Xfce" "The xfce desktop environment" "budgie" "The budgie desktop environment" "Mate" "The Mate desktop environment" --stdout)
elif [ [ " $menu " = = "Third Party (unsupported)" ] ] ; then
@ -402,7 +368,7 @@ while [[ "$DE" == "" ]]; do
DM = "sddm"
elif [ [ " $DE " = = "budgie" ] ] ; then
arch-chroot /mnt pacman -S --quiet --noconfirm budgie-desktop gnome
DM = " gdm"
DM = " li ght dm"
elif [ [ " $DE " = = "Mate" ] ] ; then
arch-chroot /mnt pacman -S --quiet --noconfirm mate mate-extra mate-applet-dock mate-applet-streamer
DM = "gdm"
@ -442,6 +408,9 @@ else
if [ [ " $DM " != "" ] ] ; then
if [ [ " $DM " = = "lightdm" ] ] ; then
arch-chroot /mnt pacman -S --quiet --noconfirm lightdm-gtk-greeter
if [ [ " $DM " != "none" ] ] ; then
yesno " Would you like to enable ${ DM } for ${ DE } ? (Y/n) "
useDM = " $yn "