diff --git a/citrine.internal.sh b/citrine.internal.sh index 2b4b83d..a45e112 100755 --- a/citrine.internal.sh +++ b/citrine.internal.sh @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ arch-chroot /mnt pacman -Sy --quiet --noconfirm while [[ "$DE" == "" ]]; do menu=$(dialog --title "Citrine" --menu "Select the Desktop Environment you want to install" 12 100 4 "Official" "Our pre-themed desktop environments" "Third Party (supported)" "Third party Desktop Environments that are supported" "Third Party (unsupported)" "Third Party Desktop Environments that aren't supported" "None/DIY" "Install no de from this list" --stdout) if [[ "$menu" == "Official" ]]; then - DE=$(dialog --title "Citrine" --menu "Please choose the DE you want to install" 12 100 "Onyx" "Our custom Desktop Environment based on Budgie" "Fig" "PearOS improved" --stdout) + DE=$(dialog --title "Citrine" --menu "Please choose the DE you want to install" 12 100 2 "Onyx" "Our custom Desktop Environment based on Budgie" "Fig" "PearOS improved" --stdout) elif [[ "$menu" == "Third Party (supported)" ]]; then DE=$(dialog --title "Citrine" --menu "Please choose the DE you want to install" 12 100 5 "Gnome" "The Gnome desktop environment" "KDE" "The KDE desktop environment" "Xfce" "The xfce desktop environment" "budgie" "The budgie desktop environment" "Mate" "The Mate desktop environment" --stdout) elif [[ "$menu" == "Third Party (unsupported)" ]]; then