#!/bin/bash inf() { echo -e "\e[1m♠ $@\e[0m" } err() { echo -e "\e[1m\e[31m✗ $@\e[0m" } response="" prompt() { printf "\e[1m\e[33m$@ : \e[0m" read response } # --------------------------------- yn="" yesno() { yn=$(dialog --title Citrine --yesno "$@" --stdout 10 80) } dumptitle="" dump() { dialog --title "${dumptitle}" --no-collapse --msgbox "$@" 0 0 } msgdat="" msgbox(){ msgdat=$(dialog --title Citrine --inputbox "$@" --stdout 10 80) } # -------------------------- clear TZ="/usr/share/LMAO/XD" while [[ ! -f $TZ ]]; do msgbox "Pick a time zone (Format: America/New_York , Europe/London, etc)" PT="$response" TZ="/usr/share/zoneinfo/${PT}" done ln -sf $TZ /etc/localtime inf "Set TZ to ${TZ}" inf "Syncing hardware offset" hwclock --systohc echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" >> /etc/locale.gen echo "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" > /etc/locale.conf clear prompt "Do you need more locales than just en_US? (y/N)" echo "MORE=$response" MORE="$response" if [[ "$MORE" == "y" || "$MORE" == "Y" ]]; then inf "When we open the file, please remove the leading # before any locales you need." inf "Then, save and exit.\nPress enter." read micro /etc/locale.gen fi inf "Generating selected locales." locale-gen echo echo inf "en_US was set as system primary." inf "After install, you can edit /etc/locale.conf to change the primary if desired." inf "Press enter" prompt "" if [[ -f /keymap ]]; then inf "You set a custom keymap. We're making that change to the new system, too." KMP=$(cat /keymap) rm /keymap echo "KEYMAP=${KMP}" > /etc/vconsole.conf fi clear msgbox "Enter the system hostname" HOSTNAME="$msgdat" echo ${HOSTNAME} > /etc/hostname echo " localhost" > /etc/hosts yesno "Would you like IPV6?" IPS="$yn" if [[ "$IPS" == "0" ]]; then echo "::1 localhost" >> /etc/hosts fi echo " ${HOSTNAME}.localdomain ${HOSTNAME}" >> /etc/hosts clear inf "Set a password for root" done="nope" while [[ "$done" == "nope" ]]; do passwd if [[ "$(echo $?)" == "0" ]]; then done="yep" fi done msgbox "Your username" UN="$msgdat" useradd -m ${UN} usermod -aG wheel ${UN} inf "Set password for ${UN}" done="nope" while [[ "$done" == "nope" ]]; do passwd ${UN} if [[ "$(echo $?)" == "0" ]]; then done="yep" fi done echo >> /etc/sudoers echo "# Enabled by Crystalinstall" >> /etc/sudoers echo "%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers echo >> /etc/sudoers echo "# Enabled by Crystalinstall" >> /etc/sudoers echo "Defaults pwfeedback" >> /etc/sudoers if [[ -f /efimode ]]; then rm /efimode grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/efi --bootloader-id=Crystal --removeable else DISK=$(cat /diskn) rm /diskn grub-install ${DISK} fi grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg systemctl enable NetworkManager pacman-key --init pacman-key --populate archlinux pacman-key --populate crystal clear yesno "Would you like to install a DE/WM profile?" echo "DEP=$yn" DEP="$yn" if [[ "$DEP" == "0" ]]; then dumptitle="Desktop/WM Choices" dump "\ --- Desktop Environments --- - Budgie - Cinnamon - Deepin - GNOME - KDE - LXDE - LXQt - Mate - Xfce" msgbox "DE Choice (please enter exactly)" echo "DE=$msgdat" DE="$msgdat" DM="" if [[ "$DE" == "Budgie" ]]; then pacman -Sy --quiet --noconfirm budgie-desktop gnome DM="gdm" elif [[ "$DE" == "Cinnamon" ]]; then pacman -Sy --quiet --noconfirm cinnamon DM="gdm" elif [[ "$DE" == "Deepin" ]]; then pacman -Sy --quiet --noconfirm deepin deepin-extra DM="lightdm" elif [[ "$DE" == "GNOME" ]]; then pacman -Sy --quiet --noconfirm gnome gnome-extra chrome-gnome-shell DM="gdm" elif [[ "$DE" == "KDE" ]]; then pacman -Sy --quiet --noconfirm plasma kde-applications sddm DM="sddm" elif [[ "$DE" == "LXDE" ]]; then pacman -Sy --quiet --noconfirm lxde DM="lxdm" elif [[ "$DE" == "LXQt" ]]; then pacman -Sy --quiet --noconfirm lxqt breeze-icons xorg DM="sddm" elif [[ "$DE" == "Mate" ]]; then pacman -Sy --quiet --noconfirm mate mate-extra mate-applet-dock mate-applet-streamer DM="gdm" elif [[ "$DE" == "Xfce" ]]; then pacman -Sy --quiet --noconfirm xfce4 xfce4-goodies DM="sddm" elif [[ "$DE" == "Cutefish" || "$DE" == "cutefish" ]] ;then pacman -Sy --quiet --noconfirm cutefish DM="sddm" if [[ "$DM" != "" ]]; then yesno "Would you like to enable ${DM} for ${DE}?" useDM="$yn" if [[ "$useDM" == "0" ]]; then systemctl enable ${DM} if [[ "$DE" == "Deepin" ]]; then sed -i 's/lightdm-gtk-greeter/lightdm-deepin-greeter/g' /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf fi fi fi fi yesno "Would you like to add more packages?" MP="$yn" if [[ "$MP" == "0" ]]; then yesno "Would you like to use a URL to a package list?" OL="$yesno" if [[ "$OL" != "0" ]]; then msgbox "Package names" PKGNS="$msgdat" inf "Installing: $PKGNS" ame -S ${PKGNS} else msgbox "URL to package list" SRC="$msgdat" PKGS="$(curl ${SRC})" for PKG in PKGS; do ame -S ${PKG} done fi fi #inf "Installation complete"