#!/bin/bash inf() { echo -e "\e[1m♠ $@\e[0m" } err() { echo -e "\e[1m\e[31m✗ $@\e[0m" } yn="" yesno() { printf "\e[1m\e[33m$@ : \e[0m" read yn } # --------------------------------- yn="" yesno() { dialog --title Citrine --yesno "$@" 10 80 yn=$? } dumptitle="" dump() { dialog --title "${dumptitle}" --no-collapse --msgbox "$@" 0 0 } msgdat="" msgbox(){ msgdat=$(dialog --title Citrine --inputbox "$@" --stdout 10 80) } pass="" passbox(){ pass=$(dialog --title Citrine --insecure --passwordbox "$@" --stdout 10 80) } # -------------------------- if [[ "$EUID" != "0" ]]; then err "Run as root" exit 1 fi inf "Checking pacman keyrings" pacman-key --init pacman-key --populate archlinux pacman-key --populate crystal yesno "Do you need a keyboard layout other than QWERTY US?" KBD="$yn" echo "KBD=$KBD" if [[ "$KBD" == "0" ]]; then keymaps=$(localectl list-keymaps | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's/ /" "" "/g') keymap=$(dialog --title "Citrine" --menu "Select your keyboard layout" 10 80 0 $keymaps "" --stdout) fi clear yesno "Would you like to partition manually?" echo "PMODE=$yn" PMODE="$yn" dumptitle="System Disks" diskdat="$(fdisk -l | grep Disk | grep sectors --color=never | grep -v loop)" dump "$diskdat" MANUAL="no" DISK="" if [[ "$PMODE" == "0" ]]; then MANUAL="yes" else msgbox "Install target WILL BE FULLY WIPED" echo "DISK=$msgdat" DISK="$msgdat" if ! fdisk -l ${DISK}; then dumptitle="ERROR" dump "Seems like $DISK doesn't exist. Did you typo?" exit 1 fi fi if [[ $DISK == *"nvme"* ]]; then inf "Seems like this is an NVME disk. Noting" NVME="yes" else NVME="no" fi echo "NVME=$NVME" if [[ -d /sys/firmware/efi/efivars ]]; then inf "Seems like this machine was booted with EFI. Noting" EFI="yes" else EFI="no" fi echo "EFI=$EFI" dumptitle="Please confirm" if [[ "$EFI" == "yes" ]]; then dump "This PC seems to *have* booted with UEFI. Press enter to confirm, or Control+C to cancel" else dump "This PC seems to *not* have booted with UEFI. Press enter to aknowledge, or press Control+C if this seems wrong." fi inf "Setting system clock via network" timedatectl set-ntp true if [[ "$MANUAL" == "no" ]]; then dumptitle="CAUTION!" dump "This is your last chance to avoid deleting critical data on $DISK. If you're not sure, press Control+C NOW!" echo "Partitioning disk" if [[ "$EFI" == "yes" ]]; then parted ${DISK} 'mklabel gpt' --script parted ${DISK} 'mkpart primary vfat 0 300' --script parted ${DISK} 'mkpart primary ext4 300 100%' --script inf "Partitioned ${DISK} as an EFI volume" else parted ${DISK} 'mklabel msdos' --script parted ${DISK} 'mkpart primary ext4 1 -1' --script inf "Partitioned ${DISK} as an MBR volume" fi if [[ "$NVME" == "yes" ]]; then if [[ "$EFI" == "yes" ]]; then inf "Initializing ${DISK} as NVME EFI" mkfs.vfat -F32 ${DISK}p1 mkfs.ext4 ${DISK}p2 mount ${DISK}p2 /mnt mkdir -p /mnt/boot/efi mount ${DISK}p1 /mnt/boot/efi else inf "Initializing ${DISK} as NVME MBR" mkfs.ext4 ${DISK}p1 mount ${DISK}1 /mnt fi else if [[ "$EFI" == "yes" ]]; then inf "Initializing ${DISK} as EFI" mkfs.vfat -F32 ${DISK}1 mkfs.ext4 ${DISK}2 mount ${DISK}2 /mnt mkdir -p /mnt/boot/efi mount ${DISK}1 /mnt/boot/efi else inf "Initializing ${DISK} as MBR" mkfs.ext4 ${DISK}1 mount ${DISK}1 /mnt fi fi else clear dumptitle="Read carefully!" dump "You have chosen manual partitioning.\ We're going to drop to a shell for you to partition, but first, PLEASE READ these notes.\ Before you exit the shell, make sure to format and mount a partition for / at /mnt." if [[ "$EFI" == "yes" ]]; then mkdir -p /mnt/boot/efi dump "Additionally, since this machine was booted with UEFI, please make sure to make a 200MB or greater partition\ of type VFAT and mount it at /mnt/boot/efi" else msgbox "Please give me the full path of the device you're planning to partition (needed for bootloader installation later)\ .. Example: /dev/sda" DISK="${msgdat}" fi dumptitle="Suggestion" dump "You could also use the graphical 'Disks' application. This will take care of everything except mounting, which you will\ still need to do within the shell." CONFDONE="NOPE" dumptitle="Citrine" while [[ "$CONFDONE" == "NOPE" ]]; do dump "Press enter to go to a shell. (ZSH)" zsh yesno "All set (and partitions mounted?)" echo "STAT=$yn" STAT="$yn" if [[ "$STAT" == "0" ]]; then if ! findmnt | grep /mnt; then err "Are you sure you've mounted the partitions?" else CONFDONE="YEP" fi fi done fi inf "Verifying network connection" ping -c 1 google.com if [[ ! "$?" == "0" ]]; then dumptitle="Error!" dump "It seems like this system can't reach the internet. Failing here." umount -l /mnt exit 1 fi ntpd -g -q inf "Setting up base Crystal System" pacstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware systemd-sysvcompat networkmanager man-db man-pages texinfo micro sudo curl archlinux-keyring neofetch which if [[ ! "$?" == "0" ]]; then inf "pacstrap had some error. Retrying." pacstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware systemd-sysvcompat networkmanager man-db man-pages texinfo micro sudo curl archlinux-keyring neofetch which fi if [[ "$EFI" == "yes" ]]; then inf "Installing EFI support packages" pacstrap /mnt efibootmgr grub else inf "Installing Syslinux bootloader" pacstrap /mnt grub fi genfstab -U /mnt > /mnt/etc/fstab clear cd /usr/share/zoneinfo/ var=$(echo */ | sed 's/\///g' | sed 's/ /" "" "/g') var=$(echo \"$var\") loc1=$(dialog --title "Citrine" --menu "Please pick a time zone" 20 100 43 $var "" --stdout) loc1=$(echo $loc1 | sed 's/"//g') cd /usr/share/zoneinfo/$loc1 var1=$(echo * | sed 's/\///g' | sed 's/ /" "" "/g') var1=$(echo \"$var1\") loc2=$(dialog --title "Citrine" --menu "Please pick a time zone" 20 100 43 $var1 "" --stdout) loc2=$(echo $loc1 | sed 's/"//g') TZ="/usr/share/zoneinfo/$loc1/$loc2" cd / arch-chroot /mnt ln -sf $TZ /etc/localtime inf "Set TZ to ${TZ}" inf "Syncing hardware offset" arch-chroot /mnt hwclock --systohc echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" >> /mnt/etc/locale.gen echo "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" > /mnt/etc/locale.conf clear yesno "Do you need more locales than just en_US?" echo "More=$yn" More="$yn" if [[ "$MORE" == "0" ]]; then msgbox "Preferred editor" dumptitle="Read carefully." dump "When we open the file, please remove the leading # before any locales you need.\ Then, save and exit." nano /mnt/etc/locale.gen fi inf "Generating selected locales." arch-chroot /mnt locale-gen echo echo dumptitle="locale" dump "en_US was set as system primary.\nAfter install, you can edit /etc/locale.conf to change the primary if desired." if [[ "$KBD" == "y" || "$KBD" == "Y" ]]; then echo "KEYMAP=${KMP}" > /mnt/etc/vconsole.conf fi clear msgbox "Enter the system hostname" HOSTNAME="$msgdat" echo ${HOSTNAME} > /mnt/etc/hostname echo " localhost" > /mnt/etc/hosts yesno "Would you like IPV6?" IPS="$yn" if [[ "$IPS" == "0" ]]; then echo "::1 localhost" >> /mnt/etc/hosts fi echo " ${HOSTNAME}.localdomain ${HOSTNAME}" >> /mnt/etc/hosts clear inf "Set a password for root" done="nope" while [[ "$done" == "nope" ]]; do passbox "Please enter root password" passInit="$pass" passbox "Please confirm root password" passConf="$pass" if [[ "$passInit" == "$passConf" ]]; then done="yep" else dumptitle "Password error" dump "Passwords do not match. Please try again." fi done arch-chroot /mnt usermod --password $(echo ${pass} | openssl passwd -1 -stdin) ${UN} msgbox "Your username" UN="$msgdat" arch-chroot /mnt useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash ${UN} inf "Set password for ${UN}" done="nope" while [[ "$done" == "nope" ]]; do passbox "Please enter password for ${UN}" passInit="$pass" passbox "Please confirm password for ${UN}" passConf="$pass" if [[ "$passInit" == "$passConf" ]]; then done="yep" else dumptitle "Password error" dump "Passwords do not match. Please try again." fi done arch-chroot /mnt usermod --password $(echo ${pass} | openssl passwd -1 -stdin) ${UN} echo >> /mnt/etc/sudoers echo "# Enabled by Crystalinstall (citrine)" >> /mnt/etc/sudoers echo "%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL" >> /mnt/etc/sudoers echo "Defaults pwfeedback" >> /mnt/etc/sudoers arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable NetworkManager arch-chroot /mnt pacman-key --init arch-chroot /mnt pacman-key --populate archlinux arch-chroot /mnt pacman-key --populate crystal clear mkdir -p /mnt/etc/ cp -v /etc/pacman.conf /mnt/etc/pacman.conf arch-chroot /mnt pacman -Sy --quiet --noconfirm while [[ "$DE" == "" ]]; do menu=$(dialog --title "Citrine" --menu "Select the Desktop Environment you want to install" 12 100 4 "Official" "Our pre-themed desktop environments" "Third Party (supported)" "Third party Desktop Environments that are supported" "Third Party (unsupported)" "Third Party Desktop Environments that aren't supported" "None/DIY" "Install no de from this list" --stdout) if [[ "$menu" == "Official" ]]; then DE=$(dialog --title "Citrine" --menu "Please choose the DE you want to install" 12 100 2 "Onyx" "Our custom Desktop Environment based on Budgie" "Fig" "PearOS improved" --stdout) elif [[ "$menu" == "Third Party (supported)" ]]; then DE=$(dialog --title "Citrine" --menu "Please choose the DE you want to install" 12 100 5 "Gnome" "The Gnome desktop environment" "KDE" "The KDE desktop environment" "Xfce" "The xfce desktop environment" "budgie" "The budgie desktop environment" "Mate" "The Mate desktop environment" --stdout) elif [[ "$menu" == "Third Party (unsupported)" ]]; then DE=$(dialog --title "Citrine" --menu "Please choose the DE you want to install" 12 100 1 "Enlightenment" "A very DIY desktop environment, refer to archwiki" --stdout) elif [[ "$menu" == "None/DIY" ]]; then yesno "Are you sure that you dont want to install any DE?" if [[ "$yn" == "0" ]]; then DE="none" DM="none" else DE="" fi fi if [[ "$DE" == "Onyx" ]]; then arch-chroot /mnt pacman -S --quiet --noconfirm onyx DM="lightdm" elif [[ "$DE" == "Fig" ]]; then arch-chroot /mnt pacman -S --quiet --noconfirm plasma kde-applications sddm arch-chroot /mnt pacman -Sy --quiet --noconfirm whitesur-kde-theme-git whitesur-icon-theme-git whitesur-cursor-theme-git whitesur-gtk-theme-git whitesur-grub-theme kvantum-qt5 latte-dock echo "GRUB_THEME=\"/usr/share/grub/themes/bigsur/theme.txt\"" >> /etc/default/grub DM="sddm" elif [[ "$DE" == "Gnome" ]]; then arch-chroot /mnt pacman -S --quiet --noconfirm gnome gnome-extra chrome-gnome-shell DM="gdm" elif [[ "$DE" == "KDE" ]]; then arch-chroot /mnt pacman -S --quiet --noconfirm plasma kde-applications sddm DM="sddm" elif [[ "$DE" == "budgie" ]]; then arch-chroot /mnt pacman -S --quiet --noconfirm budgie-desktop gnome DM="lightdm" elif [[ "$DE" == "Mate" ]]; then arch-chroot /mnt pacman -S --quiet --noconfirm mate mate-extra mate-applet-dock mate-applet-streamer DM="gdm" elif [[ "$DE" == "Enlightenment" ]]; then arch-chroot /mnt pacman -S --quiet --noconfirm enlightenment terminology elif [[ "$DE" == "Xfce" ]]; then arch-chroot /mnt pacman -S --quiet --noconfirm xfce4 xfce4-goodies DM="lightdm" fi done if [[ "$DM" == "" ]]; then inf "Your selected DE/WM doesn't have a standard display manager. Enter one of the below names, or leave blank for none" inf "- gdm" inf "- sddm" inf "- lightdm (you'll need a greeter package. See Arch Wiki)" inf "- (you can type another Arch package name if you have one in mind)" inf "- [blank] for none" yesno "" ND="$yn" echo "ND=$ND" if [[ "$ND" == "blank" || "$ND" == "none" || "$ND" == "" ]]; then inf "Ok, we will skip the DM install" DM="" else inf "Ok, we'll install $ND" DM="$ND" arch-chroot /mnt pacman -S --quiet --noconfirm $DM fi else if [[ "$DM" != "none" ]]; then arch-chroot /mnt pacman -S --quiet --noconfirm $DM fi fi if [[ "$DM" != "" ]]; then if [[ "$DM" == "lightdm" ]]; then arch-chroot /mnt pacman -S --quiet --noconfirm lightdm-gtk-greeter fi if [[ "$DM" != "none" ]]; then yesno "Would you like to enable ${DM} for ${DE}? (Y/n)" useDM="$yn" if [[ "$useDM" != "1" ]]; then arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable ${DM} fi fi fi if [[ "$DE" != "none" ]]; then yesno "Would you like to install Firefox to go with ${DE}?" if [[ "$yn" == "0" ]]; then arch-chroot /mnt pacman -S --quiet --noconfirm firefox fi fi yesno "Would you like to install flatpak?" flatpak="$yn" if [[ "$flatpak" == "0" ]]; then yesno "Would you like to use a gui flatpak store?" if [[ "$yn" == "0" ]]; then DE=$(dialog --title "Citrine" --menu "Please choose the Store you want to install" 12 100 2 "Gnome Software" "The software store made by gnome (recommended for GTK desktops)" "Discover" "The software store made by KDE (recommended for QT desktops)" --stdout) if [[ "$DE" == "Gnome Software" ]]; then arch-chroot /mnt pacman -S --quiet --noconfirm gnome-software gnome-software-packagekit-plugin elif [[ "$DE" == "Discover" ]]; then arch-chroot /mnt pacman -S --quiet --noconfirm discover fi fi arch-chroot /mnt pacman -S --quiet --noconfirm flatpak arch-chroot /mnt su - ${UN} -c "flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists --user flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo" dumptitle="Note" dump "Adding the flathub remote likely failed. We're sorry we can't work around this. Ask in discord if you need help." fi if [[ "$EFI" == "yes" ]]; then arch-chroot /mnt grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=crystal --removable else arch-chroot /mnt grub-install --target=i386-pc ${DISK} fi arch-chroot /mnt grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg inf "Installation should now be complete." yesno "Would you like to chroot into the new install to configure manually? (y/N)" CH="$yn" if [[ "$CH" = "0" ]]; then inf "Use 'exit' when done." arch-chroot /mnt fi