# Citrine Command line CrystalUX installer ## Usage: As long as it's installed with PacMan, run with `sudo citrine` ## For non-crystal systems: Why? You can *try* to build it with `makepkg`, but for why? (PKGBUILD is in the `crystalux-project/packages` repo) | **DE** | **Description/bugs** | **Usability** | **Rating** | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | **budgie** | Just works | Works fine | 100 | **cinnamon** | Very much worky work | Works | 100 | **Enlightenment** | Testing this would end badly | | **Gnome** | Gnome. | 100% no problems | 100 | **Kde** | None. Kde is perfect 😄 | 100% everything works | 1000 | **Lxde** | Works | works | 100 | **Lxqt** | Didn't see any problems | Works | 100 | **Mate** | Yep works | Works / 10 | 100 | **Cutefish** | not complete tbh | 100% but wait for updates | 75 | **Xfce** | Works | works | 100 | **UKUI** | Didn't bother testing | 2 | **Pantheon** | Isn't included, Appstore broken, most apps broken af | 25% if you figure it out | 25 | **Deepen** | Deepin account doesn't work, but that's nothing new | Usable | 100