# **THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN MIGRATED TO GITLAB** Please make any PRs here, rather than to the GitHub: https://git.getcryst.al/crystal # REPOSITORIES HERE ARE **OUTDATED**, GO TO THE LINK BELOW # ---- > https://git.getcryst.al/crystal < ---- # Crystal Linux [GRUB](https://gnu.org/software/grub/) Theme > A customised theme for [GRUB](https://gnu.org/software/grub/) using the Crystal Linux branding. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/30374463/189643831-6e29a350-a57d-4aa6-902a-ea08b527cc39.png) ## Install (Arch-based ONLY) - Clone the PKGBUILD and enter the directory: ```bash git clone https://github.com/crystal-linux-packages/grub-theme cd grub-theme ``` - Run `makepkg` to install it: ``` makepkg -si ``` - Append the following text to `/etc/default/grub`: ``` GRUB_THEME="/usr/share/grub/themes/crystal/theme.txt" ``` ## Team This theme is based on the Dracula Dark theme for GRUB, created by the following person(s) and a bunch of [awesome contributors](https://github.com/dracula/grub/graphs/contributors). [![Zeno Rocha](https://github.com/pspiagicw.png?size=100)](https://github.com/pspiagicw) | --- | [Zeno Rocha](https://github.com/pspiagicw) | ## License [MIT License](./LICENSE)