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19 lines
861 B

# This file is run via mkarchiso while chrooted as the new system
echo "We're in the new system. :)"
echo "Performing minor tweaks"
sed -i 's/Arch/PearOS/g' /etc/issue
sed -i 's/Arch/PearOS/g' /etc/arch-release
sed -i 's/Arch/PearOS/g' /etc/os-release
echo "PearLive" > /etc/hostname
#reflector --latest 5 --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
echo "sudo reflector --verbose --latest 5 --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" >> /usr/bin/mirrorsetup
chmod +x /usr/bin/mirrorsetup
# We don't add carly until here so that our packages which change
# /etc/skel have been installed already
/usr/bin/useradd -m carly
/usr/bin/usermod -p $(echo "pear" | openssl passwd -6 -stdin) carly
/usr/bin/usermod -p $(echo "pear" | openssl passwd -6 -stdin) root
/usr/bin/chmod +x /home/carly/.xinitrc
echo "Configured the 'carly' user. Exiting chroot."