#!/usr/bin/bash gum confirm "$(gum style --border normal --margin '1' --padding '1 2' --border-foreground 212 'Welcome to jade-tui, ready to start your installation?')" && CONTINUE=true if [[ $CONTINUE != "true" ]]; then echo "Exiting. Have a good day!" exit fi keymap=$(localectl list-keymaps | gum filter --placeholder "select a keymap") echo $keymap timezone=$(timedatectl list-timezones | gum filter --placeholder "select a timezone") echo $timezone gum style --border normal --margin "1" --padding "1 2" --border-foreground 212 "Please enter your username" username=$(gum input --placeholder "Please enter your username") echo $username matches="false" passwrong="false" while [[ "$matches" == "false" ]]; do clear if [[ "$passwrong" == "true" ]]; then gum style --border normal --margin "1" --padding "1 2" --border-foreground 212 "Passwords did not match, please type the password again" else gum style --border normal --margin "1" --padding "1 2" --border-foreground 212 "Now enter your password" fi password=$(gum input --password --placeholder "Please enter a password") echo $password gum style --border normal --margin "1" --padding "1 2" --border-foreground 212 "Verify your password" password_verif=$(gum input --password --placeholder "Type your password again") if [[ "$password" == "$password_verif" ]]; then matches="true" else passwrong="true" fi done gum style --border normal --margin "1" --padding "1 2" --border-foreground 212 "Select a desktop to use" desktop=$(gum choose --limit 1 gnome kde budgie mate cinnamon lxqt sway i3gaps herbstluftwm awesome bspwm) gum style --border normal --margin "1" --padding "1 2" --border-foreground 212 "Some miscellaneous settings" misc_settings=$(gum choose --limit 2 "Enable ipv6" "Enable timeshift") enable_ipv6="false" enable_timeshift="true" if [[ $misc_settings == *"ipv6"* ]]; then enable_ipv6="true" fi if [[ $misc_settings == *"timeshift"* ]]; then enable_timeshift="true" fi gum style --border normal --margin "1" --padding "1 2" --border-foreground 212 "Please select the disk to install to $(gum style --foreground 212 'WARNING: This will erease the whole disk')" disk=$(lsblk -pdo name | grep -v zram | grep -v NAME | grep -v loop | grep -v sr | gum choose --limit 1) bios_type=$([ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo Legacy BIOS)