{ "partition": { "device": "sda", "mode": "Auto", "efi": true, "partitions": [ "/home:sdb2:btrfs" // This would be partition /dev/sdb2, formatted with btrfs mounted at /home ] // this is only needed for manual partitioning, it would contain all the partitions for jade to use and the filesystem as well as mountpoint // Note that the mountpoint has the root at the installation destination, so instead of /mnt/boot it would be /boot }, "bootloader": { "type": "grub-efi", // for legacy this would be grub-legacy "location": "/boot/efi" // for efi this is the esp directory, for legacy boot this would be the device on which to install grub on }, "locale": { "locale": [ "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" ], "keymap": "colemak", "timezone": "Europe/Berlin" }, "networking": { "hostname": "jade-test", "ipv6": false }, "users": [ { "name": "jade", "password": "TaCVRgYCAHag6", // The password has to be encrypted with `openssl passwd -crypt ` "hasroot": true, "shell": "bash" // this can be either bash, csh, fish, tcsh or zsh. If a value is not recognized the default will be bash }, { // Multiple users can be specified by just following this format "name": "jade2", "password": "TzSMi3EezsXZM", "hasroot": false, "shell": "fish" } ], "rootpass": "3IwCDE/t39wuQ", // Same as other passwords, this has to be encrypted with `openssl passwd -crypt ` "desktop": "onyx", // The desktop environment to install can be onyx, gnome, kde, mate, cinnamon, xfce, budgie, enlightenment, etc. for a full list check https://github.com/crystal-linux/jade/blob/main/src/internal/config.rs#L162 "timeshift": true, // Whether to enable timeshift as well as timeshift-autosnap, note that this may only work with root on btrfs "zramd": true, // Whether to enable zramd "extra_packages": [ "firefox", "vim", "git", "tmux" ], "unakite": { "enable": false, // Whether to install the recorvery partition, note that this currently is just a secondary smaller crystal installation "root": "/dev/sda2", // The root partition for unakite "oldroot": "/dev/sda3", // The root partition that the main crystal installation uses "efidir": "/boot/efi", // The esp mountpoint in unakite, note that this is only read when using it on an efi system "bootdev": "/dev/sda1" // the partition for the boot/efi partition }, "kernel": "linux" // which kernel to install, available options are linux, linux-zen, linux-lts, linux-hardened. When an unknown option is passed it will default to linux }