| `--verbose`, `-v` | Prints lots of debug information to `stderr`. If something doesn't go right, sending us the output with this enabled will help greatly |
| `--exclude`, `-x` | Excludes the supplied package from the current operation. Can be used multiple times. |
| Build a package/packages. | `mlc build <package>` [all if left empty] | `--no-regen`: Doesn't regenerate repository after build |
| Generate pacman repository | `mlc repo-gen` | |
| Update local repos/PKGBUILDs | `mlc pull/update` [all if left empty] | `--no-regen`: If `mode.repository.build_on_update` is `true`, Do not regenerate repository after package rebuild |
| Create and/or open config file | `mlc conf` | |
| Initialises repo/workspace based on config in mlc.toml | `mlc clone/init` | |
| Displays an info panel/overview of the current repo | `mlc info/status` | |
| Resets Malachite repository by deleting all directories, omitting `mlc.toml` and `.git` | `mlc clean/reset` | `--force`: Remove dirty directories (unstaged, untracked, etc) |