use std::path::Path; use std::process::Command; use std::{env, fs}; use crate::internal::{crash, info}; use crate::repository::create_config; use clap::{App, AppSettings, Arg, ArgSettings, SubCommand}; use crate::workspace::read_cfg; #[global_allocator] static GLOBAL: mimalloc::MiMalloc = mimalloc::MiMalloc; mod internal; mod operations; mod repository; mod workspace; fn main() { extern "C" { fn geteuid() -> u32; } if unsafe { geteuid() } == 0 { crash("Running malachite as root is disallowed as it can lead to system breakage. Instead, malachite will prompt you when it needs superuser permissions".to_string(), 1); } fn build_app() -> App<'static, 'static> { let app = App::new("Malachite") .version(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")) .about(env!("CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION")) .arg( Arg::with_name("verbose") .short("v") .long("verbose") .multiple(true) .set(ArgSettings::Global) .help("Sets the level of verbosity"), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("build") .about("Builds the given packages") .arg( Arg::with_name("package(s)") .help("The packages to operate on") .multiple(true) .index(1), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("all") .long("all") .help("Builds all packages in mlc.toml (except if -x is specified)") .conflicts_with("package(s)"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("exclude") .short("x") .long("exclude") .multiple(true) .takes_value(true) .help("Excludes packages from given operation"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("regen") .short("r") .long("regen") .help("Regenerates repository after building give package(s)"), ), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("repo-gen").about("Generates repository from built packages"), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("prune") .about("Prunes duplicate packages from the repository"), ) .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("init").about( "Clones all git repositories from mlc.toml branching from current directory", )) .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("reinit")) .about("Removes all subdirectories and reinitialises") .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("pull") .alias("update") .about( "Pulls all git repositories from mlc.toml branching from current directory", ) .arg( Arg::with_name("package(s)") .help("The packages to operate on") .multiple(true) .index(1), ), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("config").about("Create and/or open local config file"), ) .settings(&[ AppSettings::GlobalVersion, AppSettings::VersionlessSubcommands, AppSettings::ArgRequiredElseHelp, AppSettings::InferSubcommands, ]); app } let matches = build_app().get_matches(); if Path::exists("mlc.toml".as_ref()) && Path::exists(".git".as_ref()) { info( "In a git repository, pulling latest mlc.toml. It is advised you run mlc pull/update" .to_string(), ); Command::new("git") .arg("pull") .spawn() .unwrap() .wait() .unwrap(); } if Path::exists("../.git".as_ref()) { info("Parent directory is a git directory, pulling latest mlc.toml. It is advised you run mlc pull/update in all malachite directories".to_string()); let dir = env::current_dir().unwrap(); env::set_current_dir("../").unwrap(); Command::new("git") .arg("pull") .spawn() .unwrap() .wait() .unwrap(); env::set_current_dir(dir).unwrap(); } if let true = matches.is_present("init") { operations::init(); } if let true = matches.is_present("reinit") { operations::reinit(); } if let true = matches.is_present("build") { operations::build(&matches); } if let true = matches.is_present("pull") { operations::pull(&matches); } if let true = matches.is_present("repo-gen") { let config = read_cfg(); if config.mode != "repository" { panic!("Cannot build packages in workspace mode") } info(format!("Generating repository: {}",; repository::generate(); } if let true = matches.is_present("prune") { let config = read_cfg(); if &config.mode != "repository" { panic!("Cannot build packages in workspace mode") } let mut packages = vec![]; for untrimmed_repo in &config.repo { pub fn trim_repo(a: String) -> String { (a.split('/') .map(|s| s.to_string()) .collect::>() .last() .unwrap()) .to_string() } packages.push(trim_repo(untrimmed_repo.to_string())); } let mut packages_to_del = vec![]; for pkg in packages { let dups = Command::new("bash") .args(&["-c", &format!("ls out/{}*.tar.* -w 1 | sort -r", pkg)]) .output() .unwrap() .stdout .to_ascii_lowercase(); let duplicates = String::from_utf8_lossy(&dups); let duplicates_lines = duplicates.lines().collect::>(); let variable_hell = duplicates_lines.iter().skip(1).collect::>(); if !variable_hell.is_empty() { for var in variable_hell { packages_to_del.push(var.to_string()); } } } if !packages_to_del.is_empty() { info(format!( "Pruning duplicates: {}", packages_to_del.join(", ") )); } for pkg in packages_to_del { fs::remove_file(pkg).unwrap(); } } if let true = matches.is_present("config") { operations::config(); } }