You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

76 lines
2.1 KiB

use clap::{ArgAction, Parser, Subcommand};
use crate::fl;
static VERSION: &str = concat!(
" (",
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Parser)]
#[command(bin_name = "mlc", name = "Malachite", version = VERSION, about = fl!("about"), infer_subcommands = true)]
pub struct Args {
pub subcommand: Operation,
#[arg(long, short, action = ArgAction::Count, global = true, help = fl!("help-verbose"))]
pub verbose: u8,
#[arg(long, short = 'x', action = ArgAction::Append, global = true, help = fl!("help-exclude"))]
pub exclude: Vec<String>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Subcommand)]
pub enum Operation {
#[command(bin_name = "mlc", name = "init", short_flag = 'I', about = fl!("help-init"))]
#[command(bin_name = "mlc", name = "pull", short_flag = 'P', about = fl!("help-pull"))]
Pull {
#[arg(long, short, action = ArgAction::SetTrue, help = fl!("help-pull-rebuild"))]
rebuild: bool,
#[arg(long, short, help = fl!("help-pull-concurrent"))]
concurrent: Option<u8>,
#[command(bin_name = "mlc", name = "build", short_flag = 'B', about = fl!("help-build"))]
Build {
#[arg(required = true, help = fl!("help-build-packages"))]
packages: Vec<String>,
#[arg(long, short, help = fl!("help-build-concurrent"))]
concurrent: Option<u8>,
#[command(bin_name = "mlc", name = "clean", short_flag = 'C', about = fl!("help-clean"))]
Clean {
#[arg(long, short, help = fl!("help-clean-prune"))]
prune: Option<u8>,
#[command(bin_name = "mlc", name = "info", short_flag = 'i', about = fl!("help-info"))]
#[command(bin_name = "mlc", name = "generate", short_flag = 'G', about = fl!("help-generate"))]
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct GlobalArgs {
pub verbosity: u8,
pub exclude: Vec<String>,
impl GlobalArgs {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let args: Args = Args::parse();
Self {
verbosity: args.verbose,
exclude: args.exclude,