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use clap::{ArgAction, Parser, Subcommand};
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Parser)]
#[clap(name = "Malachite", version = env ! ("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"), about = env ! ("CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION"))]
pub struct Args {
pub subcommand: Option<Operation>,
/// Sets the level of verbosity
#[clap(long, short, global(true), action = ArgAction::SetTrue)]
pub verbose: bool,
/// Complete operations without prompting user
#[clap(long = "noconfirm", global(true), action = ArgAction::SetTrue)]
pub no_confirm: bool,
/// Excludes packages from given operation, if applicable
#[clap(short = 'x', long = "exclude", action = ArgAction::Append, takes_value = true)]
pub exclude: Vec<String>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Subcommand)]
pub enum Operation {
/// Builds the given packages
#[clap(name = "build", aliases = & ["b"])]
Build {
/// The packages to operate on
#[clap(name = "package(s)", action = ArgAction::Append, index = 1)]
packages: Vec<String>,
/// Does not regenerate repository after building given package(s)
#[clap(short = 'n', long = "no-regen", action = ArgAction::SetTrue)]
no_regen: bool,
/// Generates Pacman repository from built packages
#[clap(name = "repo-gen", aliases = & ["repo", "r"])]
/// Clones all git repositories from mlc.toml branching from current directory
#[clap(name = "clone", aliases = & ["init", "i", "c"])]
/// Removes everything in directory except for mlc.toml
#[clap(name = "clean", aliases = & ["clean", "cl", "reset"])]
/// Removes all but the latest 3 versions of each package in a repository
#[clap(name = "prune", aliases = & ["prune", "p"])]
/// Pulls in git repositories from mlc.toml branching from current directory
#[clap(name = "pull", aliases = & ["u"])]
Pull {
/// The packages to operate on
#[clap(name = "package(s)", help = "The packages to operate on", action = ArgAction::Append, index = 1)]
packages: Vec<String>,
/// Create and/or open local config file
#[clap(name = "config", aliases = & ["conf"])]